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Big Water

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Posts posted by Big Water

  1. You can also run short cores (2 or 3 colors) off of your downriggers to achieve greater depth and a more stealthy presentation.  Some refer to this as a special weapons rig, SWR.  Just add the depth that the cores would achieve to your downrigger depth.  There have been days where this has been the trick, especially on negative fish.  With this, you don't need to worry about running diving plugs to get greater depth.  Just one of many tools in your arsenal.

  2. I have never ran a spoon behind a paddle or spinny. Is this a regular in most guys setup?

    I get some strange looks when I mention it to some fishermen, but it works and there are days when they won't hit a fly behind a paddle but will nail a spoon. The paddle/spinny is just an attractor.

  3. I just confirmed with Kevin and the LOC organization the the 1k/day runs the week before and up to the WHI and the LOC start the 6th and runs the week after the WHI.  The LOC organization said it has to do with the timing of the walleye season.  It seems to me that far more people are targeting salmon than walleye.  smh

  4. I work for a U.S company, same people different area. Appreciate the help, good luck on the water

    If you get in the Wilson Boat Yard area this coming year on a weekend evening, stop by and say Hi.  I've always got some fish stories and a cold brew.  Look for this boat.  Only tin can in the marina.


  5. Spring fishing is usually targeting brown trout in 5-20 FOW with stick baits.  mid-March thru April.  You just use the riggers down 2-10' and run 100+ feet of line out to the stick bait.  Salmon are an incidental catch since the water is too cold for them to be very active.  Beginning late April through May, they are more often found in 60-120 FOW and that's where you need the riggers.  These are all approximations, but you get the idea.  When you're in 15 FOW (feet of water), you're brown trout fishing for the most part.

  6. I do have a lowrance elite 5 Chirp, I'll just have to pay attention to the SOG without investing in a the hawk units.

    Any suggestions on setting up the riggers? I've seen a lot of people use boards across the back of the boat, I do need something that I can remove or at least take the riggers out, 7 out of 10 days I fish are spent fishing for bass

    A Bert's or Canon track system is the way to go.  Both rod holders and the downriggers can be installed in the track and can then be moved or removed.  Downrigger can be mounted on a pedestal mount that slides in the track to make them sit higher (easier to access).  The tracks come in several lengths and there are many accessories that you can use in the track system.  Check out their website.  Mount riggers toward the back and rod holders further up the side.



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