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  1. Good deal, hopefully someone starting out gets them.
  2. I’m planning on coming up Thur/Fri to fish out of Olcott/Wilson/Bar area. Just looking for a decent starting point. Bringing my son up before he leaves for basic.
  3. What brand/make/models swivels everyone running. Wire to dipseys, line to spoons.
  4. Chris has always been top notch and quick.
  5. Yeah I still have a few sets left.
  6. Dave’s Kaboom Nitro Shiner shallows, Wt. 1/4 Oz, Ln 3 1/2 Inch. Dives approx 3ft cast and 5ft troll. You get the 19 lures total NIB of the colors in the pic. $86 shipped in US. Several lots available. [email protected]
  7. Thanks for the updates. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
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