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Posts posted by dvdegeorge

  1. OK finally home deer hung and Mets on the tube!


    The story


    I have gopro footage downloading unfortunately the camera was turned on my head so not the great footage I hoped for but you get the story


    Got back in my stand at 3:45 I almost didn't hunt as the wind was forecast WNW but the terrain dose wacky stuff so I went. I was right and the wind was hitting my stand straight N in my face and not into the thickets,had it been as forecast this deer would have winded me.

    No movement at all besides squirrels. Then at about 5:40 I saw a doe to my east about 150 yds away.She was all alone and just feeding.I watched her for a few minutes and then I hear sticks breaking in the thickets to the west. Two doe pop out and scramble towards me,and then the buck steps out. Game on the doe are heading right where I want but I need to stand to shoot to my right. The doe stops right in my shooting lane and starts looking my way. I think don't do this keep walking. After a few nervous seconds she heads back into the thickets and the buck starts to come.As his view is covered by some foliage I stand. He stops and is behind a tree and I draw. He continues on the doe's path and just before the hole I have to shoot through he stops and looks at me,and looks and looks! I was at full draw for nearly a minute.I just kept thinking hold back hard and don;t move and PLEASE keep coming finally he commits and heads towards the doe. Two steps and he's in my window and I release true. He bolts into the thicket and then silence. For some reason my luminock didn't light up but it was still early with plenty of light so I saw my arrow impact,a center punch. I only waited about 5 minutes and got down to look for my arrow and sign. I lound hair and blood right off and then the arrow with fletchings covered in bright red blood. I knew the out come so I got right on the trail followed the blood through the thickets and 60 yards later I had my hands on him!

    He dressed out at 170 lbs on the nose


    A few more pictures...


    His final walk(passed right by one of my cameras)














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