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Posts posted by battlehammer

  1. Eyecat-

    A shaker is a first year salmon. 12-18". Once I start hooking them I usually move to try avoid

    killing them. Trebles tear them up.

    As far as that time of year a lot depends on the weather/wind leading up to those dates. Keep your eyes on the reports leading up to your trip. It is a good time to be in Olcott. They may be in 400' or 150'. Water temp is key. You are a little early for a consistent inside staging bite. There are so many fish around this year that so long as weather cooperates you should find a bite somewhere.

    Flasher flies/ cutbait / magnum spoons will be the norm. The fish will tell you what they want.

    I have never targeted browns that time of year, usually get them as incidental catch fishing inside for staging kings later in the month.

    You can expect to have to deal with the spiney water fleas that time of year.

    Good Luck

    • Like 1
  2. Had a friend from NYC fishing Lake O spring for the first time. It did not disappoint. Had a steady pick of browns in the AM and lost a decent king. Things slowed a bit at lunch time so I changed things up. Took 5 kings from 2:30-3:00.

    11-18 #. Riggers with frostbite and  gator took the kings 5’ down and 8’. 12-16’ of water Did something  like 30 browns and a coho besides kings. Great day on the water .Buddy took 2 home the rest were all  released. ALSO Total darkness then back to light was so freaking cool on the water 






    • Like 4
  3. Ditto to what whaler said

    If I may Add- you need to wear life jackets until May 1

    If the weather cooperates it will be a

    zoo out there but the fish will be there. Bring your patience- you can almost guarantee you’ll shake your head at least once at someone doing something beyond stupid

    keep watching the reports- next port down

    is Wilson - always fish between the river and there somewhere. 

    • Like 1
  4. 17 hours ago, whaler1 said:

    I run a 25 foot boat with an 8 and 1/2 foot beam. My normal spread if it’s me and one or two people is two down and two dypsy’s.  Clean and tight have some benefits. I am in the minority however so  give it a shot and see how things work out. 

    I'm with Whaler-  stealth, sometimes less is more but would like to add if you fish with older people those long lines are tough on them. your loaded up on some solid options for sure.

  5. Congrats to all who scored already - some fine bucks down

    it’s killing me sitting in the camper on opening day here in Eden,NY.

    snow is up to my hips- heart attack walking

    Took me 3 hours to get  over 4’ of snow off trailer 

    we are hoping to hunt Monday maybe??

    With more snow coming tonight 😩

    not how I wished my fathers  60th opening day to pan out . GL to those out and those who finally  get out 


    • Like 1
  6. Gill-

    Im with you this time. I’ve been in Wilson since April 1 staying at my parents house while they are away. I go to work Monday - Friday and it’s fishable , weekend comes and the weather goes all to hell. Looking out the window now and the lake is ROCKING.


  7. I am looking for a new paint job for this landlocked from 2000. It’s a pretty special fish to me for reasons -Some grease has bleed through on belly , yellowing the white 

    The Blue on top just isn’t “ blue enough “

    and the fish lacks its silvery  shiny appearance it should have. I’m from the Buffalo area but will travel a reasonable distance - PM me if interested -Thanks 



  8. Why does anyone live here if they don’t like winter?????? It about Damn time we got a real winter again - ice fishing , snowmobiling , skiing, grouse hunting in snowshoes . This is the best winter in years!

    Our country is getting softer daily - now we close schools for 3” of snow and roads plowed to the pavement 


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  9. 1 hour ago, steelie said:

    I'm very thankful for this late season as my daughter hasn't had many days to hunt archery or gun with her busy sports seasons. We put three hunts together, the 1st day she missed a nice 10 pt at 75 yards (he's going to be awesome next year) day 2, we watched many deer and 3 bucks stay out of range.  Tonight, the light and variable wind bite us. Many winded us and I didn't think it was going to happen. When I looked over and see the doe train coming. I said, tomorrow's weather doesn't look good if you want to shoot a big doe. She said, "no, I don't want a doe". Of course, I look at the last deer and it's a big bodied buck.. we get ready and had to stop him as they were on to us, she whacked him! What a way to end the year!! 


    Way to go bud- congrats too you both

    Was a beautiful day out there today 

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