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Great Lakes Lure Maker

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Posts posted by Great Lakes Lure Maker

  1. I wish I could have gone! I need a day away from everything else. If your looking to kill some time before the Watkins show, I'm at the shop everyday if you wanna stop and check things out. If you do, call when you arrive I don't chase my message notifications, but I answer calls. Also, the radio going prevents me from hearing the door bell. I sent you the address in a pm.



  2. If you plan to launch at the South end, Clute park launch is open, and the preferred launch. It's free this time of year as well. Also, there will be a fishing tackle flea market going on in the Watkins Glen Community Center from 9am - 2pm. In the same location as the launch. Definitely worth checking that out!  

  3. http://www.rapala.com/vmc/hooks/treble/9626-oshaugnessy-treble-4x/9626+O%27Shaugnessy+Treble.html


    Check this site out. Before beginning production I tested a lot of hooks. These are as tough as they get. VMC 9626ps. You will not be disappointed. Jackie Kiklass is VP of sales and finance and she would be glad to send you samples, and they sell 25 packs. You can't beat the price and they are tougher than all other. I did not test any Owners as I'm not interested in putting a hook that costs over 1.00 on a lure. You can read reviews from salmon, to stripper fisherman online who have reviewed these hooks. They are the best hook for the money, and as tough as they get. These are a 4x strong hook.

  4. I should have worn my glasses, but I hate to put them on. I was also at the dealership getting our jeep fixed and they broke something I was a little upset about as I was reading this post. Disregard my ear muff suggestion, inboards have much different ways to be run on shore. Motoman and others were spot on with regards to inboards. I can say that if you plan to winterize with antifreeze, Just be careful what type you choose. Sorry for the confusion and not reading the post carefully. 

  5. Yea Fleet, I couldn't remember that A word. Les I heard that, different fins represent different year classes of fish, either way natural fish has all its fins, that's easy enough. Thank guys!!!!


    Yes, different fin clips, some are more than one, represent year class but more importantly the strain. You can find this info on NYSDEC website. Many trout have double clips. Example, left ventrical, adipose. Right pectoral, dorsal. Etc. I record all clips in my personal diaries and have been doing it for 30 plus years. I also get all stocking reports every year from the DEC. In the post where the Jersey guy had a steelhead he was questioning, it had a clipped dorsal fin. Clipped does not always mean its missing, and deformed fins usually are classified as clipped. Les has been on my boat and witnessed us record data on fish. I use abbreviations and code words for certain info just to make it simple and efficient.  That at times has been harder to teach newbies than actually fishing! My Theresa has it down, so I just count on her to do it. I don't even have to ask if she's ready, I just rattle the info off and it's recorded. I won't get into details about what I record, but it's very detailed.  


    Nice looking fish though. Especially the first one. Looks like a seeforellen brown. 

  6. I have a tool for doing that. We call it "ear muffs", but I don't know the real name. It covers both water intakes, and slips on and stay's on. Hooks to a garden hose like the one in the picture. If your gonna antifreeze it, use polypropylene glycol, that is meant for whatever metal may be used on the motor. I say this because if it has aluminum on it you will need a special type that can be purchased at an HVAC supply house. 5 gallons is about 50 bucks. An inline pump, that can be purchased at Tractor Supply will pump the antifreeze into the block. Once it flows out the propeller, your done. (motor running)The antifreeze is sugar based and good to -50 F (possible more but if it's important to you I have some empty buckets at home I can check) and its also biodegradable and safe for human's and pets.  

  7. My birthday is then end of the first week in April. Always snows one last time here then. After that, it is game on. There were some posts on another topic about betting on when open water would show. If you have an I/O I wouldn't put ti in the water till then. I had considered it, but I dont have the time to do all the work to ready it, fish it, and then winterize it again, April will be soon enough for me.


    I have had enough of this winter, time for it to ease off and let spring in.  

  8. Thanks les,


    Not sounding as if we can fish it by then. Our meeting is the second Wednesday of April. following weekend is the first touny.  I imagine we will motion and vote on it then. Not sounding like it's a possibility to fish by then and sounds more like we will move it. Possibly we should reconsider our early season schedule as a result. 2 years in a row now we have had to move it. 

  9. Does anybody remember the first "Freds Place" Just north of Rock Stream? I was a young fella when my Dad fished from there. They had 2 cottages just south of their place. I can remember fishing from there all year. At that point in time, sheetrock mud came in metal buckets. We used to rent 14ft boats and light a bucket of charcoal to keep warm. 35 years ago! Then the fishing became tough and we moved to Sheldrake on Cayuga. Earl (Driftwood inn) used to make some homemade dandelion wine. The fishing was second to none back then. First place I ever took a boat out and fished on my own. I caught 3 fish that day. The year was 1985. I will never forget it. 


    So, I'm in on the trash talking and the $20 side bet for BFF. I just want to be in it for the fun and camaraderie of it. I love competition and the positive aspects it brings to those who see it as a challenge. Cant wait for this winter to pass!


    Good luck everyone,


  10. Seneca harbor and the Watkins launch are still a no go unless your fishing from a really small boat. Yes, on Fri there were a couple boats fishing, but where they launched, I couldnt get a 20ft boat out of. Not a chance. Maybe this weekend if the weather stays above freezing, just maybe! 


    Wow has it been a rough winter!  Were all chomping at the bit! 


    By the way, Theresa tells me boats can launch from the new development on the west side. It's a private area, so i don't know much than that. She watched 2 boats launch from there at about 1pm fri. Thats about all I know about it. 

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