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Posts posted by jigstick

  1. Yeah i saw that on the Blue Sea fuse block install instructions.  I did not install one, mainly because I couldnt find one at my local shops.  I mean all the electronics getting wired to the fuse panel are protected by fuses way way smaller than 150amps.  They will pop if a surge would happen.  Im happy with my install.

  2. With how horrible this winter was, and the average reports I have been getting regarding the salmon action, is it possible that the season is running behind schedule…..and that the "hot bite" that normal happens at the middle / end of july just hasn't happened yet?  Or do most of you guys think the fish are just more scattered this year, and that it won't happen at all?

  3. I am in the process of making a Dipsy chart for the size 1.  I am using the FishHawk TD sensor each time I go out.  7 strand wire.  size 1 dispy with the ring on.  Once I'm set up at trolling speed, I will attach the TD, and go through the settings on the Dipsy.  Starting at 3 and working my way back to 1.  I let it out in 10ft increments.  Then reel it in.  For example:  10ft…then reel in…..20ft…reel in…30ft….reel in.  I keep doing that until I spool my reel or hit bottom.  I log the depths I hit each time I reel in.  My chart is coming out really nice.  Once I get data for each dipsy setting Ill start playing with trolling speed and see how my numbers compare.  If anyone wants a copy of my data just let me know.  Super accurate.

  4. Yeah my numbers are way out too.  500ft plus, heading east past the stacks.  If the weather is rough, and I can get on some inside, id really appreciate it.  I only get 1 trip a year to the Big O.  Ill post my DSC number tomorrow morning for you guys.  And touch base again throughout the week.  Gotta keep an eye on the NOAA forecast.

  5. Weather permitting, I will be fishing out of Olcott this saturday.  I would like to hook up with someone who knows a little more about the area though.  I have some numbers on my chart plotter that have done me well, but I would like to maybe team up with someone this saturday.  if I get on the Kings good, I can give you numbers, and vice versa.  Anybody interested?

  6. Okuma Classic Pro GLT's.  A steal at $29.95.  Super comfortable handle and plenty strong.  Plus they look great.  Ive had no problems with reel seats or islets etc.  I abuse all 12 of mine. I crank them down super hard into my down riggers.  My buddy gets pissed because they are so bent over.  But I think it helps see lite hitting walleye bites better.  Plus when a King or Laker hits it, the hit looks vicious.   It also comes in a Dispy Diver model as well.  Its all I run on my boat.  I crank on mine hard and they just keep on ticking.  NO need to spend more money on more expensive rod.

  7. HUGE thumbs up for Northwoods.com.  Not only did they have the absolute best price on the x4D, it also came with the probe case and foul weather display cover at no extra charge.  This is my first probe system, and the quality of the construction seems fantastic.  I can't wait to get this bad boy installed.  My only concern is getting interference on the transducer from my Happy Troller trolling plate.  My Airmar P58 sonar transducer works ok on the starboard side of the transom…but It does pick up some bubble interference if I crank the gain way up.  I plan to install the Fishhawk transducer on the other side of the transom. 


    Does anybody use this Fishhawk system with a trolling plate?

  8. I use 4 1/4 - 5 inch stick baits when I troll Erie for walleye.  Large magnum spoons as well.  Would a muskie hit a bait this size?  Im talking Renosky and Storm Thunderstick stick baits, Magnum Michigan Stinger spoons.  They pull in 10lb walleye, so I am assuming they could catch muskie as well?  I think I will try to hit up the shop in Lakewood.  I will be at my cottage the entire last week of August, and plan on really trying to get a muskie.  My plan is to run my rods horizontal off the side of the boat on my downriggers with 25-50ft leads....that should get my rod tips in the water.  I also plan on using my small dipsy divers on my 30lb wire dipsy rods.  The dipsy diver should help stop weeds from fouling my lures.  Am I dreaming that this could work?

  9. I hit the Field and Stream store in Erie shortly after it opened.  It seemed like a nice store but I didn't really have a ton of time to shop.  That said, they also make their own store brand (or more likely label some other manufacturer's products with their brand).  I found a nice Field and Stream brand spinning reel that seemed to be nice for the money.  I asked a representative who made Field and Stream brand rods and reels and at first he just looked at me like I had a third eye growing in the middle of my forehead.  After thinking about it for a second, he quizzically said, "Field and Stream".  I'm sure it was made by Okuma, Shakespeare or someone else.  My point is that F&S is doing the same thing that Cabelas and BPS have been doing.

    While I understand that Field and Stream also sells their own brand of products just like Cabelas does, Field and Stream also CONTINUES to carry a large selection of other brands as well.  Cabelas stores carry 90% Cabelas brand ****, with very little selection of other brands.  Thats one reason why I stopped going there.  I don't want to be a Cabelas billboard with their name plastered all over my ****.  That and the fact that they knock off other peoples products, outsource to china, and sell it for a few dollars less to undercut the original designer.  


    Im going to give you an example.  The "Twili Tip" that we use on our dipsy diver rods.  Right now only "Twili" makes them.  As soon as Cabelas sees that product and that its used in the Great Lakes Region, they will begin to sell it.  After 6month, they will copy it, have it made in china, and sell it on the store shelf right next to the "Original Twili" for $1 cheaper.  and then 6mon after that, they won't even sell the original.  I have seen Cabelas do this with SOOOO many products, and I am fed up with it.  Just my opinion though.  TEHO

  10. Down here by Pittsburgh a Cabelas was built just across the border in WV.  At first, I loved it.  No more going to Dicks or Gander.  But over the past 5 years what I have noticed is that Cabelas selection as gradually widdled away.  They used to sell many good brands of gear, but gradually they have copied these other companies designs, and marketed their knock off products instead….often selling them for like $2 less than the original company's products.  In my book, that is bull ****.  Now when I go into a Cabelas, everything is "Cabelas" brand.  Sure they may have a small selection of MS Spoons, and then a massive selection of "Cabelas" knock off spoons.  Its like this with clothes, fishing rods, rifle scopes, etc…..I DONT WANT A Cabelas brand rod…I want an Okuma GLT !  Good luck finding it.  It really is sad. 


    Last year, Dicks Sporting Goods opened up their version of "Cabelas" called Field and Stream.  F and S has ALL of the major brands.  Huge selection.  Since they opened, I won't be caught dead in Cabelas.  


    I agree with prior posts.  Support your local tackle shops.  Don't get sucked into corporate marketing and glamour of a big store like Cabelas.  Customer service sucks.  Id rather pay $2 more for my Spindoctor and buy it from the guy at the local tackle shop….who actually is in tune with what is working out on the water.

  11. The simrad nss units look pretty impressive

    This right here is good advice.  I will be replacing my Raymarine unit with a Simrad NSS EVO unit next year.  Chirp Technology…better user interface…NMEA2000 compatible….bigger display…great price point as well.  The screen shots I have seen of these SImrad units in action are very impressive.

  12. Like I have said before…I have spent countless hours drifting the weed edge casting over the weeds with jerk baits, crank baits, etc….I had one follow in 15yrs….tried the figure 8 BS when it was following but no joy.  Ive casted until I couldn't move my shoulders anymore.  I am done trying to catch them that way.  Trolling only now.  I think I found a way to get my rod tips in the water, but I will HAVE to use my down riggers to run the lures.  The Hammer lures I have aren't really meant to be run off of a down rigger….more long lining.  I have no idea how deep they would run if I ran them off the riggers.  But I am going to try anyways.  What kind of lead is common to use from the ball to lure?  


    Has anyone ever trolled spoons for muskie on chautauqua?  What speeds?  I will be back up at my cottage either this weekend or next, and Im going to give it a try using the advice I got here.

  13. There is not a doubt in my mind that I could catch a muskie on Chautauqua IF I could keep my lures running CLEAN.  But I am yet to figure out how to do it to get more than 4 min of run time.  And I am used to dealing with the sealice on Ontario, and have no problem checking lures every 10-15min or so and resetting them.  But having my lures fouled before I get the downrigger ball sunk to the desired depth is just a waste of time.  I know there are tricks to get them running longer...ie the rod tips in the water.....but the way my boat is set up, there is no way to get the rods that low so I have to rely on my downrigger cables to catch the weeds....I dont know. Totally frustrated.

  14. How does keeping the rod tip in the water help keep weeds off of the lures?  I would think the weeds would get caught on my downrigger cable just as easily as on the rod tip???  What is the typical setup?  Troll 2-4 rods along the weed edges and deeper, 3-3.5mph?  How far of a lead from the ball? 

  15. I have a cottage on chautauqua, and have fished it for muskie for over 15years.  I am yet to catch one.  Lures foul with seaweed in less than 5min of trolling.  Ive tried casting the weed beds, trolling the weed edges with crank baits, and trolled deep with my downriggers.  every time.....weeds weeds weeds and fouled lures.  WTF is the trick to keeping the baits running clean?  I am lake front, and love my place....but have all but given up ever fishing on that lake again.  Now i tow my boat to barcelona and fish lake trout and walleye.....

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