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Posts posted by bobby416n

  1. tds840
    That idea you have is very similar to the one I made last year! It is an awesome money safer and great idea. I used the same light cover material but used a different box. I think I used one from wally-world that eased about the same size as your 14x11 from office max. Thanks for sharing your instructions with great detail.

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  2. 41 minutes ago, garrymny said:
    My Home Made Autopilot I built an autopilot for my old boat, using an Arduino Board as the brain. It uses an electric linear actuator. I attached a Power Point Presentation of the entire project.
    It provides heading mode, and knob steering mode. You can also add GPS steering. I also installed a Joystick Controller.
    Autopilot for a Boat.pptx


    Your power point link doesn't seem to work. It gives a 400 bad request message

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app


  3. We got out late but had a good run later in the after noon. Had 4 releases and landed one salmon and one walleye. Lost a dipsy and got one ball hung up on the bottom and lost it. The salmon hit on spoon down about 85ft in 105ft of water. The other releases got off as soon as my friend pick up the rod

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app

    Here are the picspost-159287-14747660596306_thumb.jpg



  4. Your welcome Pap! Black River bay is one of the great spots for both walleye and smouth bass. I caught one of the biggest smallies ever for myself in black river bay. It was a 22" small mouth which is huge for any smathmouth that I had ever caught. One night me and one of my buddies landed 17 walleye in the boat in a 2 hour period just jigging and trolling in the black river bay. They were not all keepers and we threw most all of them back, but it was a blast!

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  5. Dang! Your a pretty tough bird Pap. That was a lot to go through for any person, but Im glad you made it through whole ordeal. You have helped me in other situations on here in the past and luke always very good information! Your a good man Pap and I hope you do make it up here next year to your vamp ground in black River bay. It would be a pleasure to meet you in person someday. Keep up the good spirits and keep on enjoying this site!

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  6. Fish the marks and stick a dodger and fly out on a dypsy. Note the action telegraphed through the rod tip and when you get bit, try and duplicate that action.

    Downrigger cable angle will also work.

    Unfortunately I don't have any dipsy rods yet fir my boat either. The other half still has me on a budget for fishing accessories. She grumbled a little when I had to buy parts to fix the engine this year so I could get it back in the water. I have one working electric cannon and 3 manual downriggers mounted on my boat and 6 down riggger rods but none are dipsy rods. Slowly little by little I'm able to get setup for proper salmon fishing.

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  7. It also sounds like its a guessing game for those of us that can't afford the fish hawk X4 system to tell us the speed and temp at the ball when in currents like in the trench area. Funny how I never had a problem catching kings out in the shipping lane without a probe! Anyone enlighten me on what I can do to better my odds without getting the fish hawk???

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app

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