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Posts posted by W.W.IV.

  1. Shakedowns are fun. Went out this morning with a fishing buddy at IBay.Put his boat in for the first time this season,found the perch and started fishing. then noticed the bilge was full of water,the pump couldn't keep up so we headed for the dock and got it on the trailer. Any way the live well intake line was either broken or came loose. We put a plug in it and went back out and enjoyed the rest of the day. Got some nice Perch.

  2. How you doing Mr. borderline,I don't have the boat or the money it would take to set up a boat for that kind of trolling but the days I did see these fish that deep there was no wind at all. I think vertical Jigging would have worked in those conditions Or maybe a dropshot rig. If you get a chance check out the article,it interesting.Have a good season. WW.

  3. I have marked big schools of fish at Fairhaven and Sodus in 300fow in the spring and in October on the bottom with big schools of bait over them. I was running a Raytheon 797 that would go deep. Great unit. I had a charter out of Sodus in October and party member switched the graft from 120ft to show bottom and it was loaded with fish. Two hundred ft. of wire won't go there so to make them happy I put a 6or8" glow stick on the weight and a spoon about 6ft. behind it and dropped it down about 180ft. of wire. I got a nice King for a gentlemen from Ca. who fished for them there and Alaska and got his first one that day. Since then I've thought about it and I think I could have used a dipsie on 0 and let out about 300ft. of wire and stacked it on the rigger and got down to those fish. That do you think.

  4. Hey guys,back in the eighty's or early ninety's the DEC showed up at the monthly meeting of ELOSTA as they did every meeting. They were interested in our thoughts on increaseing the number of rods per person to four each. We had to respond that evening before there was time to think it throw, we decided to leave well enough alone. We've regretted that fore a long time. Sorry about that. :$:$:$:$

  5. Jolly,It's cheaper to live closer to work and and waste the gas on important thinks like hunting and fishing. I like to fish Sodus because there plenty of room for everyone to fish, could be more parking. Sounds like you may be looking to move as soon as you can. Hope you can make it to the Bay once before the good ice goes the h..ll. Sea Ya There.

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