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Posts posted by chinook35

  1. And the question still stands was he ticketed for the same offenses? I haven't seen anything in the news or on facebook so someone must be keeping it hush hush.

    The article states he is due back in court on Feb 5. The dec will charge him ( or not ) at that time. They must have some probable cause if he is confined from 7 to 7. And has to wear an ankle bracelet at other times

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  2. The one in Henderson has been caught again before his probation was over. He will be sentenced again . This time a bit less friendly.
    As for the one in Washington, this is a family and fishing website so let's not talk about him.

    Totally agree , Up-chuck Schumer needs to be recalled He and Pelosi are a disgrace. President Trump is trying to make good on a campaign promise ( obviously supported by the majority ) The dems are using this as political propaganda. And should be ashamed of themselves.

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  3. I hope that it will be a good boat for you. See if you can take the plugs out and pour some transmission oil in the cylinder heads to loosen up the pistons and rings. Just let it sit for a day or two and then see if you can turn it over

    More of a project boat at this point. I have a pretty good handle on marine engines. Going to be a while before I can get it home and start checking things out. Cosmetically it looks like it was taken care of. Interior is in good shape. A little fogging oil and turn engine over by hand is the ticket. Gas is probably varnish by now.

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  4. Just picked up a new ( to me ) boat. Took owners word that it was winterized 3 years ago ( last time on the water). Mercruiser 3.0 liter 130 hp alpha 1 has aluminum deck ( that sold me ) no wood Will post pics when I can get to it. Parked in back of guys garage 100 yds off the road Bought it right. Fingers crossed



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  5. https://www.watertowndailytimes.com/news03/noted-henderson-hunting-guide-alleged-to-have-again-illegally-baited-waterfowl-sites-20190102 

    At this juncture , I must assume that it's all about the money . If anyone had any doubts about this guys motives , this should put them to rest .I hope the courts and the DEC will finally see the big picture and put this guy out of business . I know many on this site don't know the man or his business , but I have seen his circus for many years and hope he and Saiff charters and guide service are gone for good .

  6. If they are serious about that, they would have radiated all the stocked fish in order to render them sterile. The fact that they did not do this is a sign that they do not care about inhibiting fertility in introduced species.

    That would render the Hatchery obsolete. They need viable fish to hatch and stock the next generation Natural production is not high on list of desirable side effects of the pacific salmon program take a look at the barrier at the Salmon River Hatchery. It’s to keep the salmon from traveling any farther upstream and producing offspring naturally



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  7. I'm not defending Trump or the NRA or the positions of extreme gun advocates for that matter. I worked as a mental health professional for more than 30 years and am a Vietnam Era veteran. Being a veteran does not necessarily predispose someone to gun violence, but in some cases the things experienced by some vets  may create mental instability, and it is well known that many of these problems are missed, and not properly followed up on or effectively dealt with in our society in general, or by the military in particular. The reporting process in this issue is unreliable, inconsistently applied or not forwarded to other relevant agencies, is sometimes non-existant, and definitely flawed and discontinuous in many cases. Our democratic society with Freedom of Speech, Second Ammendment Rights, and the heavy emphasis on Free Will and Freedom of Expression, and States Rights carries with it  significant problems in the area of societal control as well as the many positives, and the consistent monitoring and intervention of various authorities is complicated and  based on often solitary or questionable incomplete facts or acts. In other words, as soon as someone does something that others perceive to be problematic, perhaps bizarre, or even potentially dangerous the hands of many agencies are tied by existing Constitutional considerations, combined with inadequate processes and facilities, and/or budgets with which to deal with the problems. In New York State for example, the previous mental health facilities complete with monitoring and oversight functions regarding "patients" either on an inpatient or outpatient basis have been disbanded without replacement processes being in place over many years. There are many people out there without such necessary treatment, medications, follow-up or monitoring, and it is nearly impossible to get people into existing treatment situations or facilities; especially against their will. Much of this relates to previous abuses of power exerted against individual freedoms by bureaucracy, Constitutional issues are highly involved, and most of all budgetary and financial considerations. Some previous decisions by our government has put money before people in a short sighted way and we are left with the societal problems which now are more complicated by many things (opioid crisis only one recent example) as well as much more expensive to try to fix. At present we as a society don't seem to have any competent mechanism to cope with this mess; especially as long as the government puts building expensive bridges and naming them after their father instead of focusing on the real problems confronting us. Can you tell I've had 3 cups of coffee today?default_emoticon-0136-giggle.gif

    I too am a Viet Nam vet. Nam went on for many years. Longer than most people realize. The term “PTSD “ originated in the years we were involved in the Nam . Previously it was shell shock or battle fatigue The point I am trying to make is that I can’t remember mass shootings in the 60 ‘ s or 70’s. Something has changed in our society It has nothing to do with gun ownership. When I was in school many cars and trucks had shotguns and rifles on board to go hunting after school I don’t pretend to have the answer. But blaming vets and guns is not the answer. Of that I’m sure



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  8. Cuomo and the Democrats now control the governors office, the assembly and now the state senate as of the results last night.
    No ethics reform, no check on runaway spending and forget about any changes to NY Safe.   Not good.  
    I would urge anyone to do research on how controlling the party caucuses are both of these branches to find out what the true impact of this will be.   A representative of the minority party in either branch will have little if anything that they will be able to get pushed through, even in the last week of the session when a lot gets pushed and passed. 

    His highness cuomo lost by a 2 to 1 margin in Jefferson county it’s the liberals downstate that keep this pos in office we are in for a rough ride.

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  9. "Another big win today"..........uh-huh.  A President who has gone from mocking the disabled, to mocking a sexual assault survivor. BIG WIN. Nice going, men.

    Or mocking a liar . Justice Kavanaugh is innocent till proven guilty and Ford has a questionable background , including ties to the CIA , which has an axe to grind with President Trump the FBI turned up no credible evidence that the allegations were true so keep on pushing your liberal agenda , which has put America in the sorry state it is in today.

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  10. Do you have Federal Hatchery there?  Feds push LT in Lake Michigan.  Its a current mindset, out with the invasive, in with the native. 
    State of Michigan bought in and reduced king stocking in Lake Michigan.  Wisconsin flipped the Feds off and plant twice the kings the state of Wisconsin does.  State of Michigan has rivers and streams capable of natural reproduction.  Wisconsin, not so.
    Its good to see debate and exchange of information.  Its especially refreshing to see it done without malice.
    There is little doubt that I will have to be out there next year....  although Alaska is calling, too.  And Nipigon Bay. And....

    My family had a camp on N Sandy Pond when I was a kid. I can still remember the millions of dead moon eyes ( alewife) piled up on the beaches. This was an every summer occurrence in the 50’s and 60’s. The salmon stopped the annual die off . They also put an end to the smelt dipping. I have to believe that the fisheries biologists know what they’re talking about. I love the salmon fishery. But there is more to Lake O than the salmon fishery. Let’s let this play out and see what is in the future

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  11. The Coast Guard writes folks for all kinds of things around here, as does the County Sheriff.  Lots of laws are flouted, red lights, stop signs and double yellow lines appear to be mere suggestions anymore.  Getting the Registration Number and reporting someone goes a long way toward getting action, too.
    Here is some of the law for the St Lawrence. 
    Section 102 Rules governing the operation of motor boats
    Navigation (NAV)


    The following rules for the operation of motor boats within such zone are hereby established: 1. No motor boat shall be operated within a harbor line at a speed exceeding five miles per hour. The waters of the Saint Lawrence river lying southerly of Wells Island and northwesterly of a line drawn from the easterly tip of Wells Island beginning at a point known as "The Chalet" and easterly and southerly of Saint Elmo Island and continuing southerly of Dewey Island, Nobby Island, and, terminating at the steamship dock, southerly of a point known as "Hope Well Hall"; and the waters of the Saint Lawrence river lying northerly of the mainland of the town of Alexandria, Jefferson county, New York, and southerly of a line drawn from the point of land beginning on the mainland known as Bonne Castle and northerly of Squaw Island to the southwesterly part of Cuba Island, shall constitute harbors for all the purposes mentioned in this article.

      2. Every person operating a motor boat shall at all times operate the same in a careful and prudent manner and at such a rate of speed as not to endanger the property of another or the life or limb of any person.

      3. No motor boat shall be operated in a reckless manner. Reckless operation shall include operating a motor boat in a manner which unnecessarily interferes with the free and proper use of the waters of said river, or unnecessarily endangers other craft therein, or the life or limb of any person.

      4. No motor boat shall be operated during the period from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise at a greater speed than fifteen miles per hour. No motor boat shall be operated during the period from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset at a greater speed than thirty miles per hour. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any motor boat while actually competing in a race held under the auspices of a racing association, chamber of commerce or duly incorporated yacht club.

      The provisions of this section are intended to supplement other provisions of this chapter and applicable regulations. The more restrictive provision should be applied if more than one law or rule could be applied to a given situation.

    SECTION 101Motor boat regulation zone SECTION 103Violations  

    Thanks for posting some of the rules of the road. Unfortunately there are few of us who have the motivation to read them like all motor vehicles operators , there are scoff laws and law enforcement can only catch a small percentage of violators. I still maintain that mandatory education is the only way to , if not stop , at least put a dent in some of the reckless behavior. It’s hard to obey the rules , if you don’t know them

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  12. I have been boating over 50 years and have never seen anything like the rude boaters around Wellesley Island State Park last weekend. It was unreal. I was fishing fairly close to shore and I had at least 6-7 boaters come between me and the shore going full speed. 30-40 MPH. It was maybe 1/2 of a cast. I could of easily hit them with a cast. I have never seen anything like that before. Maybe 1 fool but not 6 or 7 different boats. Pleasure boats, other fisherman, bass boats, it did not matter. I also had other boats in a few different spots come ridiculously close while we were fishing...full speed. I think I invented a few new swear words! How is no boating license not required? Simply ridiculous. All boaters should have to take a boater safety and etiquette course not just those under 16. Just plain rude boaters up there and elsewhere nowadays. I can remember when I was a kid, boats would slow down if somebody was fishing and be courteous but that is no longer the case. What a shame. Isnt there a rule that says you can not come within so many feet of a anchored or still boat? I must be old school cause I still slow down for guys that are fishing and never go between them and the shore.

    You are in an area that has the very rich and the not so much. I totally agree with you about the boater course being mandatory. It has been a pet peeve of mine for years. My son and I took the 18 hour CG course and I have never been sorry you can go out and buy a twin engine , 38 foot Donzi capable of 100 + MPH. And operate it with NO training. What’s wrong with this picture ? The Abay area is not a good place to go boating.

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  13. Here's a little more info on the wind farm .  . The town of Henderson is staging a protest on Oct . 15 th  .There is new information that seems to be ignored . They have found evidence of bald eagle nests and habitation on Galloo Island . The turbines will impact these birds .  Secondly , these turbines will be 600 feet tall ,taller than the statue of liberty . The wind farm on Male ridge near Lowville has 195 turbines that are 400 feet tall . When you crest the hill on Rt 12 heading south , the view is startling . Like some thing directly out of War of the worlds . I will attach a picture ,as I know many of the folks on this website are not from around here . These turbines on Galloo WILL affect all of the people that use the East end of Lake O . From Oz to Henderson . Here is a link to the article on the protest .http://www.wwnytv.com/story/39049514/group-rallies-against-galloo-island-wind-project#.W50Lek-HIA.email


  14. I don’t know the gentleman that lost his life RIP , or the captain of the vessel that claimed the life. But I am sure that he has not heard the end of this matter from the authorities. There is a rule called. “ manifestly unsafe voyage “. The captain of the vessel is responsible for damages. I believe it may cost him much more than the loss of his fishing partner and his boat and gear. Keep in mind. YOU are responsible for safe voyages.

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  15. I want to make sure something is clarified before someone reads this improperly. Marine radios are not required by law. No channels need to be monitored.   

    Not saying they aren’t needed or shouldn’t be on everyone’s rig, but, to my knowledge, they aren’t law. Not in the US anyways. Please correct me if I’m mistaken.




    You are absolutely right. A radio on a recreational vessel under 20 meters is not required by law. If a smaller pleasure vessel has a marine radio it falls under “ voluntary “ regulations. Please access USCG regulations under mandatory monitoring I quote “ any vessel either mandatory or voluntary , must monitor channel 16 , when not actually communicating on another frequency. Read the rules You are mistaken



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    The law could easily amended to allow broadcasts to include 68 and 72. The Coast Guard does not have to monitor them, just amend their broadcast to allow safety transmission on 68 and 72. No cost to boaters then.



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    I say again , if you have a VHF radio on your vessel it , Must , by law and FCC regs , be tuned to monitor channel 16 , the international hailing and emergency frequency . If you want to chatter on 68 or 72 , then change to that frequency to chat , when you’re finished return to 16. If you want to listen for the hot bite get a radio that monitors and scans several frequencies. If you're going to do something , do it right  there could be a boat 100 meters off your starboard side in serious trouble  , and if you are on 68 or 72 listening for the “ hot  bite” you will never hear his distress call on 16  


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  17. The USCG does not broadcast warnings on 68 or 72. Reality should hit them over the head someday. FCC rules and
    regulations are out of date and should be amended to the practices of small boats who operate with single channel radio receivers and monitor only one working channel.

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    Radios with one channel are out of date. VHF radios are not expensive. Most modern radios scan several channels and have WX which will emit a warning if severe weather threatens The radio can then be tuned to a weather frequency for info. Warnings are broadcast on channel 16. Which MUST , by law , be monitored for emergency broadcasts

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