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Posts posted by chinook35

  1. Two US Navy destroyers were struck by oil tankers. Both were struck on their port side that shows a red light giving them the alleged right of way. It is nothing more than "ink on a piece of paper". You must do something to avoid collision with another vessel. The first question asked by the insurance company is " what did you do to avoid the accident?". Right of way is not the answer.
    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app

    As you stated. Avoiding a collision is paramount there is really no right of way on the water. There are stand on and give way vessels but the rules of the road stipulate that the rules go out the window to avoid a collision

    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. Sorry about off topic,,,here is a report.....fished out of sandy pond Sunday morning to 150 fow, fished ff, spoons, and cutbait, maybe fish not here yet...fished 6am to 11 am. Got no probe yet so temp is a guess.FYI I'm a newbie so don't go by my point of view, still trying to figure lake fishin out. Thanks chinook35 I'll check about transducer.

    Think you may have been too shallow. That storm blew a lot of warm water into the bay. A good way to tell if you have DF transducer is to check the mounting bracket on the stern. A DF is a bigger ducer and has a two piece plastic mount. The 200 kHz skimmer trans has a one piece metal bracket



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  3. I'm running 10 and 12 lb weights. Also 30 line and 2 rods on one rigger, one on the other. At 2.0 the blowback is alot. At 120 ft wow. I realize the 30 ld line is friction loss cable etc. Any suggestions. I'm tipping my transducers back to keep the weights on screen. But speed changes they disappear. You mark a fish but where are the weights?
    Help please. Running pancakes. 10 lb , cast iron 12s .
    Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

    Pancakes =tangles. Especially in cross currents. Get some 12 lb ( or heavier ) torpedo weights. And keep in mind with this much blowback , you may need 150 ft or more downrigger cable out to reach 100 ft

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  4. On 8/12/2017 at 1:19 PM, magill270 said:


    I would like to buy a set of used downrigging weights 12-15 lbs. I know I can buy a set from bikini bottom but I was hoping to find a used set to get me by till next year. I know they are a pain to ship so I was hoping to find a set in CNY, finger lakes or Oswego. Thank you



    All Day Long   Go with troutman87. Harvey has the best torpedo weights I have ever used . Less blowback and they track great . Less tangles . His price is right 



  5. New generation...
    Money = entitlement.

    Its not just my generation either. Some guys my age are very respectful... I agree with what some else said... EVERYONE should take a boating course... Just because you were born on a certain date and grand fathered in so you don't need the course... Doesn't make you sea worthy... Guy charging at you would of known fishing vessels have the right of way... I took a course when I was 15 or so... Parents forced it on us... But I use to cruise the St. Lawrence... Can be very dangerous out there

    Sent from my VS425PP using Tapatalk

    I took the 13 week course with my son when he was 10 so that he could operate the boat I gained a wealth of knowledge from that course regarding the rules of the road on the water. You can't operate a motor vehicle without classes ,training and testing Why should ANYBODY be allowed to operate a boat without like training. I have been an advocate of mandatory training and have contacted legislators Re: this matter. I know. You will say training won't stop idiots. But at least they will have a clue about how to operate a boat. Which many out there don't

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  6. I have Been fishing meat for a lot of years. Rhys Davis was THE best cut bait ever. He got out of the US market when VHS raised its ugly head. He would not change his prep methods I have tried every imitation cut bait product. I have a ton of Big Weenie stuff. Think I may have taken one king on it. Probably on a day they would hit a tin can I can say that NOTHING outfishes the real thing. Some brands are better than others. Don't cheap out. Buy the best IMG_1383.JPG

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  7. I believe that cold fronts have negative effect on the bite . A cold front means low pressure and that effects the water column ,no matter how deep. The rough water doesn't help either   LOL

  8. I swear by Ultra Shield !...I read some old posts on the Biting Fly problems, They were killing us out there so I went to Country Max and bought a bottle. It's for Horses and it works GREAT ! I only use a small spritz of the stuff on my legs and socks (very small ) and I did a few small sprays around the Boat, Been out 4 times since...NO  flys !

    Ultra shield is NOT approved for use on humans. Contains powerful carcinogens it is also not to be used around any body of water as it is a powerful aquacide deadly to all water critters. Read the warnings on the label and on line. Be careful with that stuff

    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. I hear you about the probe. I make sure it's not on bottom long. I just run the weight to the bottom till cable goes slack and get it out of there fast also my counter on the rigger seems to agree with the bottom depth within a couple of feet. It's nice to know exactly what your gear is telling you is correct


    My snt uses a coated cable which accounts for the difference in cable length to reach depth



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