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Posts posted by brucehookedup

  1. Dwayne still has parts and does repairs. He was a partner in moor. They felt the market is saturated and sales have been slow so they have been doing repairs. Hank left for greener pastures(the other partner) The old phone number works. And yes the building broke the straw.

  2. Them ticks are all over in western New York. Never have I seen so many on my lab and beagle no matter where we go. I even had 2 in me. I bought frontline plus to kill the ones that bite the dogs that I don't see. That pyrethrum smells bad to have on your hunt clothes. Bring on the snow. I thought they were supposed to die after a frost, guess not. The ones that are like raisins on the dogs are easy to get, just a pain in the azz. Is their a good repellant for dogs???

  3. I have a brand new T.R.U. Ball, the Beast release in the package. I paid 110$ last year, will sell for 50$. I also have a Tru fire pro caliper used for 15$ and a new out of the package tru fire caliper wrist release for 30$ These are all adjustable for length, pressure of trigger. The beast can either have back pressure or forward pressure on the trigger. Call 585-750-3164

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