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Posts posted by brucehookedup

  1. I will take running hare or tails over any other hunting. Well maybe the hot week of deer and opener of waterfowl, early and late. I run tails and shoes. I think the tails are down this year(figures new pup). Will have to put miles on to get the shoes this winter oh well.

  2. I had a biologist fishing with me for three days this week from tetra tech. This is a company hired from e.p.a. We had to fish in designated ares and catch the fish people take home to eat. I had to bust my butt, but we managed everything he needed to do his studies. The biologist had people in manistee michigan fishing for three days and caught 1 chinook in the last hours of their trip. He also fished huron, and superior  and the u.p. of mich. Nothing but lakers and plenty of them. The captains are fading fast. One port had over 30 boats running, now one. Like i have said in another post, it is time to get the right things done. Strength is in numbers and we will need all we can get. There will be a future meeting with (hopefully) the right people to get some answers.

  3. We have major issues with OUR fish in lake ontario. The s""t is going to hit the fan this winter with the state. It might cost us all a little out of our time and pockets, but it is time we stand up for what is needed to the sportsman and the community. I and many others from one end of the lake to the other feel this way and i am sure plenty of others as well. There will be meetings in the future with hopefully some of the right people to get some answers from dec.( not that they will not have a dozen ). Strength is in numbers, let's keep this in mind as this issue continues, thanks. By the way the fishing in front of the genny is dismal.

  4. What a year for big lakers. Granted we have been fishing them a tad bit more than usual due to the lack of other targets. 162ft of water off of lewis shoal today with a flasher and fly. The temp was 50 degrees down 165 on the cable, 15lb ball. Yes it was rough as s++t out, but they could handle it so we did. Had several salmon as well with a few more lakers. That is the third largest in my career, a 27, 28 and the 35. I will have missdeameanor put the picture on here, i am a computer/phone dummy.

  5. Salmon numbers are down, and so are the steelhead, for what ever reasons we all think or know. Bottom line is the state works for US. We need to stand up and be a serious voice to whomever and let them know we need more fish, period. The bait is there and we all know it. That is always there biggest concern, and ours as well. With all of the crazy weather patterns over the years be it spring summer or winter the bait is STILL there in more numbers i can EVER remember. A good lobbyist is probably all it will take besides money, which will be well worth it in the future. Think about it.

  6. Thanks guys, it measured 41" long and the girth i do not know. I would guess at 28". Paul came and did his thing and i got ready for the next trip. It's cool to get a oddity like this fish verses a salmon of this size. What i like is that we all fish there from time to time and then something like this is still lurking around. You just never know when that rod goes off. By the way the salmon are starting to show up in the 100 to 150ft range along the shore, finally. Mobil was getting to be my best friend. What i would like to know is who doe's the replica mounts that is good?

  7. Here's the story; We left the dock with a se wind of 25mph. These guy's were newbie's the big O so i thought i would warm them up with some laker bites. I started out in 160 with the nose into the wind. The lakers were chewing nicely and we just beached one when the other rigger goes off. Neil says to me the line is going out, and i say you have a good one he will give it up eventually. I un hook the other fish and ask neil are you gaining line yet? He says no. all nervous. I look at the reel and figure we have a salmon on the peanut. I have caught a hand full of them on this lure over the years. I fire up the other motor and maintain my position with a little reverse. The fish gets close and i have my rubber net like a dummy, seeing it's a big laker i scoop and it took all i could do to fit the fish in the net, then not to bend the handle. That bag on the net stretched about 3 ft like i never seen it. I thought it was around 25ish. All the big eye's of amazement were priceless. When we got back to the dock the more i looked at it the bigger it got hanging on the rack. The scale came out and i just about **** when i looked at it. I told him if you didn't mount his fish i am going too. Paul Adams is now mounting his fish for him.

  8. I had a morning trip with a new group of guys from pennsylvania who have never fished lake ontario before. The third fish of the early morning bite was a 35lb lake trout. This was by far the largest laker i have seen or caught in my 38yrs of fishing the big pond. He came out of 145ft of water off of braddocks. I will get a picture on soon as i get a chance.

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