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Lund SSS

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Posts posted by Lund SSS

  1. Something I used to do to bring in some spare change, all bugs tied on Gamagatsu hooks (adds to the price but well worth it). Can and will tie any color combo you might want for $1 a bug or $10 a dozen C82A6D0D-54DC-4E72-8829-60CC523FD2D4-7768-0000121642D05092.jpg If you'd like something single color just say so. Left to right oregon/flame , org/flame, white/ org, salmon/ org.

    One of the best steelhead flies is a simple single egg 771DE209-CFEF-479B-97ED-FE7F581AA75C-7768-0000121659C8D27E.jpg

    Paypal is the easiest way to pay for the bugs,

    Thanks for looking

  2. Matt,

    I'd love to hook up with you this season if you get chance ... the guys staying at the motel were near Potsdam and drove over to the river their statement was "a ton of birds" on the river. Ya your right the 27th can't get here soon enough. My flooded timber is calling

  3. Last year I started getting them on Halloween....it was real warm last year....I would be willing to bet that they are down allready with the colder weather we have had....the Damn Cormorants sure are around....

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    Matt just got back from the north country and the river has BIG rafts of large black duck :clap::clap::clap::clap: there coming !!!!




    In a glass mixing blow dissolve salt and boric acid in cold water add eggs, the longer they soak the firmer the'll get, if they spend more than 24 hours they will turn into super balls. The salt is the "cure" the boric acid is a anti fungal. If stored in a glass container these eggs last a long time. I've got a jar from 2 years ago and there still egg sack material.

    Word of caution they do absorb the solution and I have "overdone" the process. went to check on them and they had all exploaded - nothing but a bowl of hulls. Only happened once and I don't know why but ???

  5. Since screws are fairly inexpensive, I'll most likely try the thumb screws first and keep an eye on them to make sure they don't back out. Most of the use they'll see will be flat water, since it's for my 17' Lund (Gator's Den) rather than Nothing but Net, and if there's an issue with loosening, then I'll go the socket route. Triple S uses the socket for his mount and I know it works well for him, too...maybe I'm trying to "save a couple of seconds" lol, and probably over-thinking it to boot.

    Don't re-invent the wheel Keith, if you like the mount I've got I'll make one for you. No it's not a thumb screw but I can promise you one thing it will NEVER fail or vibrate loose.

  6. not sure if running them with that much variance is the best idea. We been running 4 divers on a buddies boat by setting out the inside on a 1 1/2 setting and the outside at a 3. By putting the inside/outside no more than 20' apart they will track close to the same. We've been putting the inside out first but after taking a hit on one or the other I don't think it matters you just have to let them out slow.

  7. I hope you are wrong about the warm winter for 1 reason. I need to ice fish after the garbage season last year!

    Ya, your taxidermy bill needs a 12 lb walleye you could stick in the mouth of that GIANT chicken from Sun. :lol::lol::lol: Quinte is calling us for at least 3 days this year.

  8. Better re think your plan on the big pond till ya get a better grasp of what's going on or your just in for a slow pain full ride with nasty tangles and headaches with the only good coming of it is your lures get a good washing

    nothing like a little possitive feedback ?

    Chris you 'll do just fine considering the fish will most likely be in close in Sept. Take your dipsey'S out to a 2 1/2 setting and you shouldn't have to many issues. Yes there's always a chance but for over 10 years I can only remember 1 time my diver found its way into my rigger. That was most likely a poor call on boat handling (38 lb. fish will do that to you) Good luck let us know how you do.

  9. Sounds to me that you are worried about these guys, so by your actions they are experts, remember this "if you have to ask, you will never truly understand"

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    ??????? If you understand the reason for the question maybe you wouldn't seem like such a ignorant person. When someone calls them self an "EXPERT" . ex·pert 

    a person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field; specialist; authority: a language expert.

    were all experts at something.

    I've met quite a few of the people who have chimed in on this thread and I HOPE someday to have part of the knowledge they've got

  10. Not exactly how it works, the 19 might work but you'd be far better to gain more bite with a 4 blade prop. I went down in pitch and ended up gaining more in all my numbers. Had a 21" 3 blade SS went to a 19" 4 blade .

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