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Everything posted by WalleyeLJ

  1. Hey Everyone, I have a questions about running "down and outs" off downriggers. Last year we ran 4 riggers (no wire/dipseys) and did run into the occasional nightmare tangle. Last year I read a brief description a running dipseys off of outside downriggers to help get the lines away from the boat to reduce tanlged lines, and more importantly get out to fish by widening the spread. We may have one wire dispey set up in the boat this year, but it still seemed like the down and out was a good idea, so I wanted to see if anyone had any experience with them. Any advice about sets our how to run them would be greatly appreciated! WalleyeLJ
  2. Hey All, I first got on the old board last year, and came back this Spring to find it new and improved, but alas without my info. Last September was my first time on Lake Ontario. We ended up the week or so after the hurricane swept through, so the fishing was a little hit or miss for me. That said, my biggest ended up being 26#, which was just a little bit bigger than my former personal freshwater record 8.4# walleye. My Dad and I will be back on the Lake August 25th - September 3rd in the Bigfoot II, our 1988 24' Crestliner GL edition. Good luck to all, and hopefully we'll see you on the water! L.J.
  3. Pretty Fish! Looks like it was a beautiful day to be on the water. I can't wait for August!
  4. Thanks Storm Warning! I appreciate the input. I think we're definitely going to give the braided a try this year. Good luck on Lake. L.J.
  5. Thanks for the input! Time OUt, as far as losing the fish, I forgot to include we weren't just losing the fishing - they were taking the board and the lure set up with them!
  6. Hey Eveyone, It looks like the site has changed a bit since I was on it last fall. Thanks to everyone who helped out and answered my questions last year. 26#s ended up being my big fish on my rookie trip. Not bad, but hopefully I'll tip 30#s this year! On to my question...My Dad and I ran 30# mono last year and ended up losing a number of fish on the initial run. I had the drag set so loose that line was slowly ticking out on our sets. We've looked at some info that implies braided might be the way to go rather than mono (stonger, smaller diameter). We're not set up for wire, so were trying to figure out the best path to take. Any suggestions/opinions/ideas are welcome. We'll be up August 24th - Sept 3rd. In the mean time, good luck to everyone lucky enough to be able to get out on the water now! L.J.
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