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Everything posted by WalleyeLJ

  1. We were there around 1pm or so. We had to hustle out because we had to get back to Henderson Harbor and then I had to catch a flight out of Syracuse before 6pm in the middle of those monster thunderstorms...
  2. Thanks! Do you know who makes "The Sheep"? I only found stream fly versions. Our hot fly (only one that caught anything) was an older A-Tom-Mik White Halo...only one we've got left . L.J.
  3. Could be - were you the guys with the four Ks from north of the river? L.J.
  4. Thanks Jeremy. I keep hoping that even in my limited time I may luck into one of those beasts. All I need is for it to read 30.000 pounds = first (and likely only) fish I'll ever get mounted! Good luck the rest of the season and here's to next year! L.J.
  5. Here are my five best photos from the weekend. One each of the two smaller fish, one of my new PB, and a nice sunrise over the towers... 16#er... 22#er... 27.125#!!! - fresh out of the net On the dock with the Big Foot II Beautiful morning on the Big O... L.J.
  6. Thanks! We heard from one of the state folks at the cleaning station in Oswego that it had been even slower in Sodus and Fairhaven over the weekend - less than 25 fish in on Friday and Saturday. Just glad I was able to get up for at least a couple days (I use to be able to make it a 9 day run!). Good luck the rest of the season. L.J.
  7. Well, we're renaming our boat "One A Day" after taking one King each of our three days in Oswego. 16 or so day 1, 22 day 2, and this morning one that weighed in at 27.125. All one a white and Mt. Dew SD, 225-240 on a white mag didpy. Not big for many of you, but my best in 7 trips, and biggest freshwater fish. Still doesn't beat my Dad's 29 a few years ago, but a nice finish to a short but great trip. L.J. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. Lol - no lie. We came off at 6pm, with just the one. It's what you do when you've less than 3 days:) Sent from my SPH-L720 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. Still at it...1 swing and miss since the first. Long day... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. 7:15am first King of the season. 225 on the wire, white SD glow white & Mt Dew, white fly with green beading in 115ft. LJ Sent from my SPH-L720 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. Thanks! I'll hit the water out of Oswego for the first time this year with my Dad Saturday AM!
  12. Just my thoughts but we tend to cut speed back a touch and cut a slow arc towards the side the fish runs to (or which it fired from). We don't like taking fish on out the chute because our boat design doesn't lend itself to it as well as others (engine housing takes up the middle third), plus it leaves the fish two props and four downrigger lines to plot a last minute escape. We have a 4 rigger set, and will rotate the outside rigger back 45 degrees and bring that one ball up. If it's not the rod that fired, we clear it. Otherwise, we keep it in. If we have a dipsy on that side, we move it to another rod holder high and out of the way. So while we do it bit more work than it sounds like most others do, we land roughly 80%-90% of the Kings we hook up for more than 10 second drivebys. I'm always surprised when I see how many people land under 50%, but when we watch other boats out on the water, it seems like a lot of folks just crank down and horse their fish in - be it 5 pounds or 25 pounds - and a lot seem to come off in the process. We enjoy the battle and try and treat each one like it's the last one we might see - so we don't want to lose it. The last King we lost off a rigger cable broke off the flasher, fly and itself, but ended up thrashing around on the surface, unable to get under. We chased that damn fish for ten minutes, trying to troll around yet line up on the fish before I was finally able to net it and save the gear AND the fish. A fun memory - but not something I need to repeat any time soon in the middle of 300 boats ! L.J.
  13. Sorry - absolutely no reason - EVER - to threaten to sink someone. I only meant I've seen some clueless people fishing in the packs that just suddenly take 90 degree turn and plow through everyone else - no need for that either.
  14. Thanks! I'm heading next weekend for my only 2.5 days on the lake this year. Here's to hoping for decent weather and at least one King!
  15. Giving room is certainly fair, but if someone wants to run 600'copper and troll in the middle of 100 boats, it's a little self involved of anyone - weekend warrior of charter - to expect everyone to get out of YOUR way just because you decided to run a line(s) 25 boats lengths behind you. If someone wants to do that, fish inside or outside of the pack. On the other hand, I've watched some real dimwits troll straight through the pack lines totally oblivious to boats whose stern they pass with 50 feet to spare. So, I guess you can argue both ways, depending on your perspective.
  16. Nice day!!! How many on the riggers and how many on the dipsy?
  17. Where's the NK store? Rochester? I've only ordered from them online so far... L.J.
  18. HEy Skipper! Thanks for the info - it's never too late:) I'm leaving Thursday morning to head up to LO. Hopefully we'll get a couple of days to get after the walleyes between runs at the kings! L.J.
  19. Great day for the US! First ever Gold & Silver in Women's all around, more gold for Phelps, more world records falling - US back in the medal lead!
  20. If my memory serves me right, I think it ran around #14 on the boat scale. It was one of the most spirited catches of the whole week. Last year was also the first time we ever doubled - two cohos running across each other - somehow we got them both in L.J.
  21. Hey everyone, It sounds like there's a good chance at a big King or two the next couple of weeks. Here are some pics from our trip last summer that I didn't get posted: Hopefully Bigfoot II and I will have some new ones to post after this year's trip! Good luck to all in the LOC! L.J.
  22. Hey Everyone, While I'm coming north to fish for Kings next week, my Dad and I hoping to get a couple days in looking for some big walleyes. We're running out of Henderson Harbor, and my Dad just got his trailer moved up there and really hasn't had much of a chance to recon/fish the area yet. Any advice for location, depth, presentation will be greatly appreciated! L.J.
  23. My Dad & I will be fishing on the Bigfoot II out of Henderson Harbor, but if the Kings don't show up there in numbers in the next two weeks, we'll be fishing out of Mexico/Oswego August 21st-August 30th. We're trying to break the family record of #28! Good luck to all:) L.J.
  24. Hey Everyone, Getting ready for season 3 on LO, but instead of running out of Oswego, my Dad has us based out of HH. Any word on King or Walleyes in that area? Thanks, and I hope everyone has agreat summer/fall season - see you the last week of August! L.J.
  25. We don't have one either. Most fish came 65-70 ft down, with one coming as high as 50, one as low as 90, but over all 65-75 has been excellent for us. Not a single spoon bite for us - all flasher/fly rigs, with a green echip and Hammer Tourney tie taking most of the fish, floowed by a white echip with a white Halo fly. The other good rig has been a wite SD w/ green spots and a Hammer.
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