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Posts posted by Hookedup

  1. It's a Derby not a tournament anytime it's a one fish Derby alot of luck is involved. As far as Bait if it's legal use it. If you can't beat them join them and learn how to fish bait. I like tournaments where you have to have a mixed box of fish a little less luck involved. One of those deals if the guys complaining don't like the rules don't fish it. Sean

  2. fisherdude you are "the man" because you did better than anyone I know or even talked with. Every single person said it was the toughest derby they have ever fished and that includes me as well. The first two days we fished 20 hours and never had a hit and tried everything I could think of and changed out lures more frequently than I ever have and 5 different core setups, coppers, downriggers cheated, with boards no boards and for many hours running three rigs (15 spoons) with additional core or copper on boards. It is the first time in my life that I have been skunked two days in a row in fresh or salt water. There were places we marked fish and good amounts of bait but they would not hit no matter what we tried. We managed two lakers this morning an 8 pounder and a 6 pounder and had one brief but aggressive hit right near bottom in 156 ft. We also went with old school stuff like Hemlock spinners, and gang hooks behind cowbells. Out of desperation :lol: I even tried a flassher fly combo behind cowbells. I also like you used similar setups to the Gamblers so maybe the "real thing" makes a difference folks :) My hat is off to you and the Gambler rigs. :yes:

    First time I ever trolled from Lodi to north of Sampson and never had a hit. Thought I was going to have my first skunk until we turned back South and hit a 9.5 pound Bow down 30 on a rigger. Group wasn't in the Derby. It was by far the worst fishing I've had. Nice job to all of those that did well. Sean

  3. Lake is not what it used to be. Just a few years ago I would of had 30 plus fish in an am five hour trip. Yesterday you were doing good if you put a few in the boat. The T-Cline is setting up at 30 ft we did take one great 9.5 pound Bow on a spoon down 30. My charter group had arrived in town from overseas the evening before so we were not fishing the Derby. Had a few good marks in the 90 to 130 ft range, and some Lakers down 200 over 340 that haven't come up yet. Sean

  4. It's been going down each year, it always comes back to money. The lack luster fishing on Seneca the last few years has not helped. I myself know at least a dozen folks that usually fish it and won't this year. I'll buy a ticket probably for myself but wont be fishing it unless I talk some clients into it. It needs an extra boost from a big business or two to bring in more folks. Also if they still have it, need to dump the getting a raffle ticket for the first fish you weigh in the first day. Talk about killing alot of small fish for nothing. Just get some cool prizes and raffle off to everyone that entered. Then guys that never fish on the lake would buy a ticket.

    Thanks for the info Jason and the hard work putting the time in to find out the information. I was afraid that's what the reason would be.

  5. Not a bad job to do! All depends on the actuator you have. Some actuators it's a simple part change. If your actuator is old just get a new one that is disc break ready. When venture set up my trailer they used the wrong actuator so I burnt the breaks off it the first trip. Sean

  6. Problem with smacking those small salmon is most of them don't make it when you let them go. We usually move out of an area when we get into them or drop deeper. When your flat lining it's hard to avoid them when you first get into them they hit everything. Nice Brown! Sean

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