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Posts posted by stan

  1. Here it is the 4th of Oct and the first snow of winter has hit with 3" on the ground here

    in Carson City Nv and still coming down. The Sierra's and the Siskiyou Mountains are getting it. With my favorite lakes in Oregon coming under cover of a white blanket.. Another summer has come and gone, it was some of the best fishing in years.

    I want to thank all my new friends from back east ifor helping me understand the way you all fish, it has more than paid off , now I get all winter to pay down the credit card before next Spring. You all be safe and take care through the winter.

  2. They took the Sockeye salmon from the hatchery and stocked them in the Lakes of the western states and renamed it to Kokanee Salmon. Now Flemming Gorge Ut has the

    largest land locked Sockeye. They run ocean size of 4 to 7 lbs. , that is as big as they get in the wild. These are videos of them spawning up a creek that feeds Lake Tahoe.

  3. We even tried to sit over top of them and jig and you could feel them brush the line.

    It was almost like being in a fish hatchery , they where that considerate. I have never seen so many big fish gathered in on place in my life . The lake is known for 40lb

    lakers . Wish I had one of those underwater cameras on my down rigger , it would have been a sight that would have been talked about for some time to come out here.

  4. Have any of you found it hard to hook up with lakers this time of the year ?

    I was in Oregon for 4 days fishing for trophy Lakers, we found them but could not bring

    get them to bite, but one 18lber and a pup of 4 lbs to the surface. Saw hundreds of fish on top of high points on the lake bottom.

    Little help please

  5. Thursday morning Ken arrived and we quickly hooked my boat to his truck and headed north, the long trip went by quick with all the talking and a stop for lunch on the way north. As soon as we crossed the border the air was think with smoke all the way to our destination. When we arrived we where told there where 2 lighting caused fires, we dumped off our bags at the motel and headed to the lake. Just as we launched you could see the smoke coming across the lake like morning fog. We fished till almost dark with 0 fish to the boat. Friday up at 5 am to be on the water at first light, the marks on the fish finder where far and few between . This was not looking like the Trophy lake I have been use to. Finally

    some marks of big Lakers hanging on top of a high spot on the lake bottom. Kens says looks like they might be spawning , so after all the hours of nothing I changed out to my copper line rod . Second pass over the hump and fish on,

    came up with a respectable 18lb Laker with a mouth full of Sisco Kid Wrangler. We crossed the hill top so many times we ran off the school sitting on top. The next morning same routine , a whole lot of hours of nothing . Ken drops down to with in 5' off the bottom , after a few hundred feet Ken says fish on and come up with a 4 to 5 lb MacKinaw. Next day we picked up lots of marks and nothing wanted to play. Ken was boarded so set up a Kokanee rod with a peanut on the hooks for bait. After some more hours of nothing he started to feed the ducks and seagulls . With two fish to the boat in four days was not a great fish experience but a great time to hang with a friend. Don't mind saying this was my hardest fishing trip up north in some years














  6. Mike getting rid of the home phone will not happen, that is where it belongs for $ 39.00

    per month and be able to call anywhere in the usa at any time. Just a flat rate.

    Now my wife's and my cell phone has gone up from $ 62.00 per month to now over $80.00 per month. All tax increase over the last two years.

    They can go tax some one who thinks they can not live with out one.

    If I am on the water and fall in , it will not do me any good anyway sitting on the dash board of the boat. Quiet sure they don't work under water. Never needed one for the first 57 years of my life and can not believe I was sucked into it in the first place.

    They don't call me in to assist in open heart surgery any more , my stock broker is in jail , the kids all all grown up and just want money, I live to far out of town to call for pizza delivery. Face it all we do is BS on a cell phone and put money in someone

    else pocket and bottom line.

  7. I don't have call waiting or caller Id on my phone at home. I only have my cell phone for when I am on the water. Now after getting my bill yesterday I am done with it. Another

    $ 4.00 in taxes have just been added. It is not the $ 4.00 ,it's the principle of the whole thing, So Monday morning I will be one of the few I hope , with out a cell phone any longer. Hell I lived 50 years with out one. Now lets see what there going to do now .

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