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Posts posted by stan

  1. Well headed to Shasta and our houseboat at 11am and the long wait for in-laws that don't fish but wanted to. First to arrive was father and mother in law , second was sister and brother in-law . Pulled out of the harbor at 6;30pm and headed to

    Waters Gulch to spend the next four days. Arrived just as the sun was setting and staked up to the shore. BBQ hamburgers

    for the crowd after dinner played cards till 11pm and bed. Up at 4 am to hunt for Kings, Hooked up over 20 fish and landed five . Sunday the same thing lost a another 15 fish to inexperienced fisherman, even had my first quadrupedal hook up. Now that was something . two on down riggers and two on steel line dipsy's , with one landed. Over all a great time fishing and lots of cards and one let down guide.The winds blew up to 30mph on Monday and did it come down , sure wish I had my canvas so we could have fished.. After down loading my pictures I find out from MtGirl all the rest are on my Father in-laws camera , so as soon has he e-mails them to me I will post them up ..Sorry.....I was not in charge of pictures this trip....Just cleaning the fish the BBQ and the guide . The in-laws went home with two ice chests full of KIngs and 4 Rainbows. Hope you enjoy the pictures.








  2. 95% of them look like our mature Land locked Kings here in California. A monster on Shasta Lake might go 8 lbs this year. A few 6lbers have come up in the last couple weeks with full mature eggs like they would have in the rivers and off the coast. The Juvenal are a lot easier to catch. The bad thing is salmon are one of the hardest to survive catch and release.

  3. I had a guy make a statement out in California on one of the local boards he read an article, some of you where going as deep as 600' for Kings on Lake Ontario. Even in the Pacific Ocean I never remember going any deeper than 200' So if you would let me know I sure would appreciate your response .



  4. Well I could not make up my mind between Shasta and Lake Siskiyou last night. So at 0300 when I got up something told me Shasta. Filled the two thermos with coffee and headed out the door at 5 am. Arrived at Suger Loaf boat ramp at 5;20 , man is it dark out that early. I mounted my hat flash light and started to get the boat ready, that took a whole 10 min and it is still dark. So I back the boat in and tied to the dock till it was light enough to run up to the main part of the lake. I took off about 6am off to my left I could see the sun coming up. Right in front of me is a big rubber tub 4'x4' they use to hold docks up with. Fishing went straight to the back of my thoughts , I pulled up next to this thing and tied it off to the side and started to fish. The lake was empty of lice , it was great. I got tired of this big rubber box hitting the side of my boat , so

    me , myself and I got it up on the bow of the boat. Back to trolling. Had 4 big take downs at 150' but nothing stuck, brought one up to a 100' and bam 1- King in the box. As I lowered the ball back down Bam my first Rainbow of the summer so in the box . Started to let it back down and another Rainbow in the box.I look off to my starboard side and here come TC & Mike to see what is lashed to my bow, I told them it was my ice chest for my Kings I catch , they could not believe I had the big rubber dock thing tied to the bow , so they departed to Dry Creek . I told myself it was a good day with 3 fish in the box and the first part of my dock for our ponds. :D





  5. Your going to see doublehaul ( Nick ) with a sobering look on his face for a while. He has had to step back into reality and go and teach the children of New York what makes the world and universe go around the what ever . Why trees have leaves and dirt is dirt.

    After all he was a science teacher some three months ago.

    But as he walked off that charter boat for the last time for the season he could not let go of the great times he had swabbing decks , cleaning the toilets and gutting other peoples fish with a smile on his face.

    So we all need to be patient with the man who has helped so many this summer :lol:

  6. Sorry guys , but at 7pm tonight there going back on the field. Keep your eye on the new kid Davis , got a gut feeling he will be the 9er QB.

    Oh by the way Tom your Black and Silver are talking of moving back to LA again . Been all over the news out here. :D

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