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About dreamsteelie

  • Birthday 04/24/1965

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  • Location
    Erie, PA
  • Interests
    Family, Fishing, Tournament Junkie

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  1. The lakewide D2 series has been updated through the Oswego Pro Am Vision Quest 310 Screamer 299 Howell At The Sky 298 https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/97ee3c68-8684-42cf-a9b4-4256d5595c8c/2024LOCSD2Standings-b68f72d.pdf
  2. DII Through Niagara event. Still lots of events to come... Complete scores click on link https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/97ee3c68-8684-42cf-a9b4-4256d5595c8c/2024LOCSD2Standings-b68f72d.pdf 1 Vision Quest 82 97 103 2 100 302 2 Screamer 94 72 103 2 271 3 Howell at the Sky 84 82 92 258 4 Oh Baby 76 80 97 253 5 Yankee Troller 54 74 78 90 242 Captain Pete
  3. 7 Newbies registered by the deadline. Good odds for someone. Good luck. "0" CND entries Captain Pete
  4. Just a reminder, deadline is approaching. This Friday May 10th by midnight. Or late registrations taken up to Captains meeting with added $200 reg fee. 1K and Slam: anyone can enter these two events. Participation in the WHI is not required to fish these events. Registration is up to May 16th at 11:59 PM. We also have the Newbie division and Canadian division. Extra 2K for each added in. However, we need 5 teams min in ea. to proceed with that division. See website details for more information. https://greatlakesspecialevents.com/wilson-harbor-invitation Thanks Captain Pete
  5. 2024 Salmon School is sold out. Thank you to everyone who signed up. Captain Rob, Casey and myself are excited and looking forward to a fun and informative day. Did I say fun? Also, thanks to the Lake Ontario Trout and Salmon Association for continuing this annual event. They do a lot of work behind the scenes to promote and organize the Salmon School as well at the 4 day Expo. There will be a lot of seminars, in addition to the SS. Check out the link to view the vendors, reps and more. #niagarafishingexpo2024 Captain Pete VQ
  6. Hello anglers, The LOTSA organizers wanted me to let you know that the 2024 Salmon School is nearly sold out. So, if you are considering attending the event in February, do not wait to long. There are 15 seats or less available. Captain Casey Prisco, Rob Westcott as well as myself are excited to present at this year's event. Captain Pete https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FC-jvNSdac5c&data=05|01||56b59718699c4f90cf3f08dbf0f739a6|84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa|1|0|638368716832440992|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D|3000|||&sdata=%2ByyYD11JaMhB3qYbc014i289%2F0EEUC7E2LwNzx5kvkw%3D&reserved=0
  7. As of 10/18/23 there has been 100 seats sold for the Salmon School. The 2024 SS is sure to be an informative, interesting and fun event. Plus it supports pen rearing and LOTSA. Captain Pete Vision Quest
  8. Congratulations to our 2023 Great Lakes Special Events Division II Champion, Captain Dave Antenori and Team Screamer!!! Full results available on our website. Runner Up: Team Vision Quest. Tight race: (305 and 304 final points score) AWARDS: Overall Winner: $300 cash plus $500 in sponsor coupons from FishUSA and Dreamweaver Lures Runner Up: $200.00 check and $200 in sponsor prizes from FishUSA and Dreamweaver Lures Winner will also receive a BIG championship series check, which will be awarded at the 2024' WHI event in Wilson. https://greatlakesspecialevents.com/locs-division-2 Next year, we hope to bring back Division I back (paid entry) large payout.
  9. UPDATED: DII has been updated after Fairhaven... We have a new leader: Team Screamer moves back into 1st, Team Vision Quest in second and Team Thrillseeker in 3rd. There are 1 events left, Any one of these 3 can still win it all. Team VQ and Thrill did not fish the Fairhaven Challenge. All 3 are expected at the September Big Boys at the OAK on Labor Day weekend. Going to the wire. DII pays out 2 spots.. 1 Screamer Atommik 97 92 97 103 2 62 76 100 74 100 305.00 2 Vision Quest 76 62 94 103 94 76 103 4 304.00 3 Team Thrillseeker 54 80 84 82 54 100 97 100 297.00 https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/97ee3c68-8684-42cf-a9b4-4256d5595c8c/downloads/2023LOCSD2Standings08.23.23.pdf?ver=1692810089391
  10. The Great Lakes Special Events DII has been updated... We have a new leader: Team Vision Quest moves into 1st, Team Screamer in second and Team Thrillseeker in 3rd. There are 2 events left, Any one of these 3 can still win it all. DII pays out 2 spots. 1 Vision Quest 76 62 94 103 94 76 103 4 304.00 2 Screamer Atommik 97 92 97 103 2 62 76 100 74 302.00 3 Team Thrillseeker 54 80 84 82 54 100 97 100 297.00 IMG1.WSIMG.COM img1.wsimg.com
  11. Updated through the Oswego Pro AM. Screamer in 1st Vision Quest in the runner up Will boil down to last event more than likely.... https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/97ee3c68-8684-42cf-a9b4-4256d5595c8c/downloads/2023LOCSD2Standings07.12.23.pdf?ver=1689166168841 Still a few events to go. If anyone sees any errors that effect the top 10 or other, please let me know. There are a lot of numbers to tally as the season progresses. Captain Pete
  12. Division II update through Orleans. Lots of events left to catch Team Screamer. https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/97ee3c68-8684-42cf-a9b4-4256d5595c8c/downloads/2023LOCSD2Standings-0001.pdf?ver=1686663627676
  13. I will add a couple more things. Some of the guys using braid also use it for depth. They happen to be deeeeep meat guys and feel braid allows more depth/less line. Casey for sure likes braid for that reason, esp when has has to laker fish a lot during the season. We catch a lot of browns when in BT mode. Our best rigger is usually our deepest with 15 ft ball to spoon lead. Lastly, one of the reasons wire divers catch fish and a lot of big fish, is the same hummmm. Its the same steel except smaller diameter. When we want stealth/fishing high, we use 20# mono and divers for the non-humm/stealth plus allows us to get mono lil further out on sides (divers run on a 3 to 4 setting-dialed) out for high salmon/trout OR skinny water stagers/fish browns. But deeper run diver fish hardly resist wire diver offerings. VS Braid Catch em up this season seeyawader. Captain Pete V.Q.
  14. Wire rocks on riggers ! We catch lots of rigger fish-tight and even high. Would never switch. My 2 cents. Lots of fish also drawn into downrigger sets-some bite-some curious. May be the wire/weights but it works, Captain Pete V.Q.
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