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Posts posted by BrokeOff

  1. yea when you go to post look to the right of the post button. click on more reply options.  then scroll down and 'choose the file' you want to post.  then click 'attach this file' and wait for the picture to load fully.  click post or preview post to see what its gonna look like.

  2. yea when you go to post look to the right of the post button. click on more reply options.  then scroll down and 'choose the file' you want to post.  then click 'attach this file' and wait for the picture to load fully.  click post or preview post to see what its gonna look like.

  3. 8-9 foot leaders (rod length) of 20# seaguar.  i dont use a swivel i tie the albright knot to connect the two lines.  i fish mainly lake ontario.



    for flashers im just running 30# big game all the way to F/F

  4. yes stripped the coating first, maybe about 4 or 5 inches and tied the knot.  went through the eye of the swivel easy but was hard to cinch it tight.  then the overhand loop wouldnt get as tight as i wanted either.


    had much better signal yesterday, it didnt cut out once and we didnt even have a wet rag on the antenna. saw some crazy currents down 60-85 ft as well.

  5. 6/09/13  Afternoon.  We should have fished for browns I guess b/c we got skunked again fishing in front of the plant 130-160fow.  Was a little rough at first and started laying down so eventually I set 8 rods out.  3 riggers 2 mag divers 3 cores.  Had another core but didn't bother to set it out.  Thought we would at least get something on the 5 color which has been our best rod lately or maybe the deep rigger with pro troll.  Had 2 false releases on riggers 130 and 140 down not sure if they were fish or not.  Frustrating day ended up playing cards on the boat! we fished 130-530pm.


    Here's the 12# atlantic we got from last wed.  (didn't realize spoon was facing the wrong way, thats a UV gator stingray):





  6. thanks for the replies.  i tied the wire knot and electrical taped all the way from the exposed wire halfway down the swivel and  got to try it wed.  seemed to work, lost signal a lot but that was because of the antenna not being wet enough i think.  wet rag helped but still lost it once in a while.  Deepest the probe went down was 70 ft.  I can take it on and off with this setup as well.


    the wire knot was a bear to tie with the coated cable however.

  7. Fished east as well today.  We got 2 fish a laker and a 12# atlantic.  That was a great fish but the last we would get and it was 0830.  Fished til around noon with a very poor screen.  Laker hit a rigger pro troll near bottom and atlantic took a stingray off a 5 color.


    Water temp was only 50-54.  Down temp was similiar maybe a 2 degree difference in spots.


    SLOW out there

  8. I would rather buy what I want than get a bunch of stuff that doesn't work in my trolling program , easy way for them to move the slower selling gear I guess .....just saying .... Don't get me wrong , I'm a big supporter of DW PRODUCTS .... Just not the pro packs


    spot on

  9. tried the brownies this morning in 40 fow just east of the plant at 530.  had a few promising marks and bait balls but no hits.  Ran 6 rod spread 2 riggers 3 cores and a dipsy later changing out the 3 color for another dipsy.


    When we got in front of the plant we quit browns and started pushing out.  We fished 110-150 mainly and went 3/4 today.  All 3 were steelies, we got them pulling cores off boards on stinger stingrays.  The fish we lost hit a rigger 130 down in 132 fow.  UV taped pro troll and shred hammer fly trailing.  This was a good fish never got to see it but it peeled line and popped the hook.... KING!


    Cotton on the water and the other floating debris almost cost us fish today, and left the planer lines a complete mess for next trip out.


    Divers were a waste of time and so were riggers (minus the 1 hit).  Didn't see anyone netting fish around us but im sure someone figured things out and did much better than us.  Saw a flock of boats out more towards Oswego in a tight group..

  10. antney you did better than us we got the skunk.  What time did you get your fish?


    Met at the boat at 6am and took the long windy drive to get to the lake from the marina.  Lake was very flat and we decided once again to skip browns and go for kings lakers whatever out in front of the plant.  Got set up in 85 fow and pushed out.  Ran a similar spread as antney (6rods) 3 riggers one with a spoon/cheater spoon, one with a white f/f close to bottom and the other rod an R and R 6" flasher with a spoon 30" behind.  Two wires with mag divers one with a dreamweaver spook spoon and the other with a green UV pro troll with green fly.  Started with them only 100 and 150 out.  Farthest we sent them out was 300' divers on 3 settings.  Last rod was a 5 color core pulling a UV gator stingray off the otter.  All of this would get switched out until there was nothing left to throw at them.  We tried spinnys, small spinnys, tons of different pro trolls,  spoons of every size including mag NBK which was our hottest spoon last year, moonshines, stingers, nks, bobby fullers, r and r's, cheaters, uping our speed, slowing to a crawl, swapped the core for a 300 copper, raised a rigger to 15-20 down with orange slurpee spoon 100' back.  Nothing.


    Our screen was lit for most of the day until we got below 100 fow right before we gave up and we still marked a few fish in there.  Tons of bait! the bait is in for sure.  2 weeks ago we saw very little now its all over the place.  Countless times we dragged our deep rigger paddle right through the bait.  Maybe the fish are to full to hit.  We had several times where we said get ready there are so many fish on the screen in just the right places near our gear its gonna happen.  Nothing.  Deepest we got was 220 fow and the screens looked better inside so we turned around.


    Guess we should have tried browns but the water looked pretty clear in close and there weren't that many guys chasing browns today.  The wind died totally and then we had to deal with the bugs and tons of floating junk on the water, cottonwood, sticks, algae.  We called it around 12 or 1230.


    Saw one other boat come in when I was at the dock and they said 4 fish all browns.  Didn't get any other details as I had to shout over as they drove by.


    There weren't too many boats out there but we didn't see any nets fly at all.  Water temp at the surface was 59-60 in front of the plant.


    Wish I could give a more positive report but they were totally shut down.  My friend had never been skunked out there so that was dissapointing.

  11. those laurvicks pull pretty good. i have run 5/7 color cores off them. last time out we had a laker hit the 5 color with a UV gator stingray and not even trip the laurvick.  farther back you put the line in the release the harder it is to release it.

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