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Posts posted by BrokeOff

  1. i missed the 1st one which sounded the best.  2nd one was ok.  after that trailed off... not renewing membership.  Would rather spend $30 at a bait shop and get new UV stuff or stuff that has already taken fish in our spread.  feels like they are just scraping them together they already have our membership $$

  2. I have been reading some old threads on running 2 dipsys per side.  Never tried it, but have all the setups to do it.  Most people are using the same size dipsy for all 4.  Longer rods toward the front of the boat.  And spacing the dipsys 2 #'s apart.  for example a 1 setting on the inside and 3 setting outside. 


    What about the angle of the rod? Should the outside rod be set higher off the water than the inside rod?  Would that help pull the dipsy out to the side more?  We always run dipsys close to touching the water sometimes touching if to much weight is on one side of the boat.


    Do 4 dipsys really take that many more fish than 2 dipsys?

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