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Posts posted by Nautitroller

  1. One of the things I do is drop a bunch of crooked hemlock on my land this time of year, the deer eat them and it improves browse and bedding. I like to do it strategically so it opens up shooting lanes at the same time. I've found sheds around them also.

  2. Been off LOU for a week, congrats to all that scored deer! Pap, Mike great buck!

    I went to my friends place to help him butcher deer we did 21 deer all custom cuts high quality no silver skin picky stuff. The second estrus should be kicking in, wife n I saw a dandy trolling last night. If you find a hot doe now you are in the bucks!

  3. How is your season of tracking going? I have had over 15 calls for tracks,unfortunately not able to respond due to dog. Over the years we usually found about 15-20% of the deer. Most guys are great trackers so the ones you are looking for are most likely alive.

  4. Well went out to get a big doe tonight. I saw 2 different bucks chasing does. Hope there still around Saturday

    I'm in the same boat, I think it's the hardest time of year to shoot a doe. They are on pins n needles or getting chased. And they change patterns to stay away from bucks.

  5. Fished out of Taughannock about 8:00 am (only boat) tried south with one small Laker. Ended up finding some active fish North of boy scout camp, ended day with nine small Lakers one under sized bow and two salmon that just didn't make 18" hot lure was paddle with Iron duke uv extravaganza and purple alpha alewife

    They called for wind but it turned out calm, lucky I didn't have my wife with me, sorry babe !!


  6. First few doe are in estrus big boys locked down for 48hrs. Next round all heck will break loose. Chasing will peak Friday thru mid next week depending on weather. On average a mature buck will only breed 3-5 doe max and most doe have fawns with different fathers. The big boys take the girls to their secret hole away from the rest of the herd.

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