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Everything posted by vetting

  1. I tested them as best as I could (clickers/release arm/drag) by hand. Listed are the conditions of each and photos. $180 plus shipping for the lot - total of 14 reels. #1 Penn Peerless No 9 Tested 100% functional #2 Penn Peerless No 9 Tested 100% functional #3 Penn Peerless No 9 Seems a little rough - needs a regrease #8 Penn Peer No 209 Needs a clicker rebuild #9 Penn Peer No 209 Needs a clicker rebuild #10 Penn Peer No 209 Cracked sides - for parts or repair #11 Penn Peer No 309 Tested 100% functional - engagement arm seems to be reversed #12 Penn 209 Black Casing Tested 100% functional - handle mechanism has some play #13 Penn 209 Black Casing Needs a clicker rebuild #14 Penn 209 Black Casing Tested 100% functional #15 Penn 210 Tested 100% functional #19 Shakespeare T15LCL Line Counter non-functional #22 Okuma Magda Pro 30DX Tested 100% functional - sun fading #23 Okuma Magda Pro 45DX Locked up - for parts or repair
  2. I used to run the on the rigger holder and then would have to move them to dipsy holders on the side whenever we had a fish on - thats with a 25ft boat. This year, I'm adding another 6" piece of track right behind the rigger so I can just fold them down with a collapsible rod holder.
  3. Just snagged the RV-100 for $280. So total of $1179 + tax.
  4. I should be able to snag a RV-100 for around $300 to $325 - so it will be around $1200 for a complete unit and will include lighthouse charts that would normally be another $150.
  5. Anything without charts and ducer starts at around $1600. I got the display for 899 out the door. So for some reason it was more economical to buy them separate.
  6. Well I pulled the trigger on RAYMARINE–Axiom 9 RV Multifunction Display with North America LightHouse Charts. Got the unit for $899 with my West discount. Now just shopping for the transom mount ducer. So I'll be running an Raymarine A77 to run autopilot/chartplotter and through hull traditional sonar. Then use the Axiom with the RV-100 transom mount for 3d and high def chirp.
  7. What about going with a: LOWRANCE–Outboard Pilot Cable Steering Pack (should work on an I/O) - $1450 Just have to figure out if the steering cable would be correct and the Lowrance Elite - TI2 has the autopilot controls.
  8. How necessary is it to have a chart plotter that is compatible with the actual autopilot? I know with the raymarine components, I think it uses the chart plotter data to help with course corrections.
  9. I run a Raymarine EV-200 with their X5-R behind the steering wheel. I've had it for 5 years or so and love it and would have my buddy get the same unit, but its no longer made. He has a 23ft glass I/O boat with cable steering and trolls with his main. For a chart plotter, he has a Lowrance Ti2. Since it cable steer and he doesnt want to switch over to hydraulic, what are the best current options for autopilot? I started looking but now I'm more confused on the newer options then when I first started.
  10. @Zinger11 do you run the transom mount ducer?
  11. I've heard side imaging isnt that useful for salmon fishing, but if you combine high chirp and the 3d stuff you can mark potential starting points to setup. Plus it would just be nice to know what the heck is going on when you mark fish on a traditional sonar. Right now I have an A series MFD running a standard non chirp thru-hull ducer. I'd keep that one for traditional sonar and to network with my raymaine autopilot. Then I'd get Element or Axiom and run it with the RV-100 transom mount ducer for all of the fancy sonar. @Yankee Troller have any input?
  12. Yeah its been forever. I've been slacking with posting here and despite having a slip on Lake Michigan, I only took maybe 10 trips a year besides our big 10 day tournament. Had some family health stuff going on with my parents so just didnt have the time to fish. Then I lost my first mate (my fish barking dog) so just havent been as into it as before. This year I'm going to get back into it and hit it hard no matter what the dock gas prices are.
  13. Anyone else start running realvision 3d since I originally posted?
  14. Any updates?
  15. Think I found the problem. Since its a remote start/shift kicker, there wasn't enough slack in all of the cables going to the kicker from the transom. As a result, when the motor steers to one side, it was binding on the cables and causing the bar to keep on extending as the main motor pulled on it. Then it just couldnt recover when it attempted to steer back the other way. Might have to pop another hole in the back of the transom so that the cables come straight out into the kicker.
  16. I have an EZ-Steer bar on a Mercruiser alpha one with a yahama T9.9 as the kicker. The kicker is on a fixed bracket and its set back further than the main outdrive. Over the last 2 years, its been getting stuck in the down position when first lowering the kicker and doesnt seem to always steer correctly - like its skipping the slots. Any suggestions? Should I change the angle of the bracket on the kicker? Should I tighten the set screws?
  17. Put the boat in gear - the prop should lock in one direction. Then in reverse - it should lock in the other direction.
  18. Just make sure you check the driveshaft before you take it out of the water. You should be able to see it spin if its not the engine coupler.
  19. I just went through this. Start motor and see if the drive shaft is spinning on the back of the engine. If its not, then its the engine coupler. If it is spinning, then: Shift in and out of gear. If you dont hear the normal clunk on the shift then its a completely spun prop (it should still catch a bit which would allow you to hear the clunk but sometimes it gets completely spun) or the vertical shaft or gears stripped in your outdrive. To further diagnose, take the boat out of the water. Remove the outdrive. Manually put the drive in gear. See if you get the prop to lock both ways. If it locks then take a long screwdriver and spin the yoke on the front of the drive. If it just spins and doesnt lock or spin the prop, then you have yourself a junk outdrive and you will have plenty of silver flakes in gear oil (this is what mine did).
  20. 50lb pound spro barrel swivel and a bit of shrink tubing with the smallest crimps that you can find that will fit the line doubled over. I use Okuma leadcore rods. The last thing you have to take into consideration is the level wind on the reel itself. Its a tight squeeze on older reels but fits right through with ease on the newer Daiwa Sealines and Seagates.
  21. Terminations are easy with steel - just use small crimps. My vote is for steel unless you fish with people that have multiple years of experience with copper.
  22. Just finished rebuilding 4 of them - all 4 (2 sea lines and 2 seagates) it was excessive play in the level wind arm at the top that was the problem.
  23. Took 2 trips over the weekend and now the 2 Seagates that I have have to have the level wind arm replaced. Granted these ones are about 5 years old. Really wish they arms were like the old style Daiwas where the entire arm was metal - at least they should have a metal bushing. Blazing back and forth on a screamer is just not good for the plastic on metal contact on the arm, especially in the 6 to 1 ratio.
  24. Yeah I dont know why the level wind arms are such a problem on mine. Maybe I just got a batch that was outta spec. If the arm has any wobble in it, it just going to wear over time since the level wind arm is at a slight angle as it goes back and forth. Over time it elongates the hole and eventually it will bind due to the angle its sitting at.
  25. For leadcore and weighted steel, I have around 14 daiwa sealine SLW50H/SLW60H - these are the 6 to 1 high speed reels. On my first trip out this year, I had another one break. This one wouldnt free spool and was hitching when reeling in. I have another 6 reels that randomly lock up which I think is due to the level wind guide arm wearing out and sticking. I ordered 8 new level wind arms directly from Daiwa and they said they said it might be a few weeks before they even ship them, but of course they charged me right away for the parts. All of these reels are only 2 to 3 years old and pretty much 80% of them are going to need a rebuild this year. I can do the level wind arms myself, but the rest I will need to send out. Tournament time is coming up and I cant be waiting on parts or wait for a month turnaround on sending them out for repair. So it looks like Im going to have to buy some replacements. Any suggestions in the $100 to $150 range for high speed levelwind?
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