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Posts posted by dvdegeorge

  1. Well nobody wanted to fish today so went solo. Set up in 120 FOW and sent the cowbells down caught 4 lakers in about 10 minutes. Gambler called me on the radio and said he was into some fish off shore so I pulled up and headed out to 200'. Had a good king crack me off and then boated a 5 lb king. Then a short while latter 41' rigger fires and I grab the rod and reel as fast as I can but before the slack is taken up a huge over 12lb steelhead missiles 10' out of the water right behind the boat,he was a chunck !

    Picked up another 5lb king and a couple skippys then a release off the cheater on the 63' rigger. Reel up the slack and the drag starts to rip out. A nice mid teen king. It's very challenging,fighting a fish,steering the boat and netting a fish(auto pilot got delivered yesterday thank God!)

    Boated another Laker and small king and called it good. Best action was 170'-200' fow. NBK was the hot spoon and my Bobby Fuller one of a kind was what got cracked off.

    Gambler did very well also I'll let him fill in the details.




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