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Posts posted by suttontroller94

  1. Yeah thats something that makes a big difference. I use 12lb seaguar red label florocarbon for spoon dipsys and although i shouldnt say it... not a break off at all this year with it and a big thing i make sure of is to make sure to not let rods with leaders or your spool of line sit oit in the sun or heat during storage. It weakens any line and will cause break offs. That is something that is often over looked but will keep your line strength top notch for those spunky salmon and rainbows. And always keep a fairly lose drag on a wire dipsy, i always let my dipsys creep out to depth on a light drag in the holder then just reach up and tighten it until it just occasionally clicks.Also you want the dipsy set tight enough so that if your boat is rocking in waves it wont trip but a slight jerk of the rod will pop it.

  2. That sounds like a solid set up. Maybe bump speed up to 2.2-2.4 and bring high rigger up between 50 and 55ft with a spoon with a slide cheater and use the dodger and a peanut or spin and glow on the deep rigger. Dont be afraid to work in shallow til your deep rigger bounces bottom or out deeper. If you think your in to shallow or to DEEP of water your probably not you will pick up lakers on the deeper rigger and bows and landlocks on the high rigger this way

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