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Everything posted by FLXTrolling

  1. Good stuff Justin! As you may know I'm primarily a Fingers guy myself, but making my first real trip to Ontario tomorrow, can't wait! One King and I will be happy - enjoy your weekend of fishing (Hopefully) -Matt B
  2. One more to share. Cool view from the pier downtown #Jamestown #summer2015 #saltwater #nofilter… https://t.co/1Tp4IHdVG7

  3. Haha. That's too funny. I was gonna say, it looked like you started grilling him, then decided to get a photo.
  4. Great Fish - how on earth did you net him? Haha, was he on the grill prior to the photo? He looks a little charred
  5. Thanks for the input! I may try to get out Saturday/Sunday as both days look great. IBay launch is about 5 mins from my house, so for my first trip I'll probably try that. Sunday, if I can get out, I will heed your advice! This is just the beginning for me on the big lake...
  6. I've never run Plugs so I can't speak to the action you'd get on such a small lead - but I wouldn't think it'd be messier than running spoons for a cheater. What is the bouyancy of a plug? Would you be able to run it as a "free sliding" cheater?
  7. I'm trolling - with 3 guys I have an 8 rod spread - figure i'll look for marks and try to cover 30' down to 80' or so in 100' or less with a combination of FFs, Plugs and spoons.... Spread has Leadcore off boards, Slide Divers and Down Riggers...
  8. Very cool! What channel are you guys usually on - the radio is my other new toy...
  9. I mapped it out to about 3 miles - does that sound right? My top speed is 13, so I figured I'd try more of an inshore play. Especially with any waves
  10. Well ideally there will be something on the screen, however, with a 20' boat and 25HP I have some limitations, and I'm probably not venturing out to the 350' - 500' range. 100' seems like a reasonable starting point - unless I find good marks shallower - also seems reasonable to assume there could be a good mix of fish around that depth this time of year. I could be way off, but I'm just trying to make the most of what I have to work with....
  11. Ok, so I guess I just did visualize that, and now have no idea why I ever did it the other way... Thanks for opening my eyes TC!
  12. Great input! It leads to another question - when I stack I typically have the longer lead on the bottom - how do you avoid tangles if the longer lead is on top? I know guys do it, but I cant visualize how it would work - I'm assuming the rod pointing off to the side of the boat would just have to be the "stacked" line correct?
  13. Great question. I'd like to hear opinions on this too. If not run with a flasher I would like to stack them. Thanks for the input!
  14. For the guys who run Plugs this time of year, are they are more effective behind a flasher, or best used on their own?
  15. Good deal! I thought so .... Saturday it is - cleared it with the wife, and ready to roll!
  16. Thanks for the input! Id rather enjoy myself than battle all day
  17. I tend to agree. I know how days like the one being forecasted Friday can turn out. Worse than it looks in a forecast
  18. 2 weeks ago I picked up a new 20' wooden, Carolina Dory Skiff, with a 25HP Outboard - I'm looking to head out either Friday or Saturday - out of I-Bay to 100' or so. Saturday looks perfect so it will probably be the day... Friday's forecast is for winds 10-15 NE with 1-3' waves. Anybody with experience know how a boat like mine might handle out there? Is it worth it, or just wait til Saturday? Friday is unfortunately the better day for me schedule wise!
  19. An alternative to Dipseys would be running the Jet Style Divers - I run Jets off the Walleye Boards and they work flawlessly - Just make sure you run a stretch of heavy mono where you plan on clipping the board... I find the walleye boards very versatile - you can run flat lines - to 10 Colors - to Jets.... The 44's can be too bulky for a lot of things, but that's all personal preference
  20. The bay is one of the toughest waters to fish - I only really enjoy fishing it in May / June when the Drum (Sheepshead) are in there on a feeding binge. That time of year you can troll sticks almost anywhere and will hook into them - their bellies are filled with Gizzard Shad that time of year, and they are a blast to battle.. I've caught very random Walleyes out there in August, right at dusk in about 5 -10 feet of water, trolling HJ 14's on flat lines, they will skip on the bottom a bit, but for the most part, bottom is mud so you shouldn't foul up too bad. I live near the Bay and have put in a lot of evenings trying to figure it out, but fish/hour ratio is pretty sub-standard as well!
  21. I notice that about Canadice and Hemlock - this time of year the Smallies are very thermocline oriented and huge! I've had some awesome strikes out there over 90' of water- on spoons - that I think are nice Trout, that end up being 5 - 8 lb Smallies... Glad to hear you have spoons that have been "working" on Canadice - haha, I've had nothing working on Canadice this year - I'm landing about 1 fish for every 5-6 hours I've put in...
  22. First of what I hope will be many fish on board Catch & Release, aka "The Don". #instagramfishing… https://t.co/5DHzkMQWjk

  23. Dear lord... what were the official length/girth measurements on that fish? - I agree, looks like dinosaur
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