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Organized Chaos

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Everything posted by Organized Chaos

  1. Not a big money fish like the salmon, if they do anything it won't be quick
  2. Don't get me wrong there are still Bass to be had, and the ones you catch are usually quality. The only thing the Gobies are good for "fattening up our fish". Saw a video online of Gobies attacking a bass nest . Made quick work of doing in an entire hatch.
  3. The Smallmouth Fishing as we have known it is over. VHS disease 7 years ago and mass numbers of Gobies have devastated this fishery. Hope they can make some type of comeback. Very Sad!!!!!
  4. The salmon fishery as we have known it. The few good years were because of the tremendous amount of naturals. Simply look at the return rate of the tagged fish to the hatchery. The numbers don't lie, it has been a steady decline year after year. Yes , Ontario still holds the greatest amount of bait fish of all the Great Lakes. Unless DEC is not releasing what they say they are( which I doubt). The Browns and the slimers are doing fantastic but the Salmon different story.
  5. It's over boys, been fishing this lake for over 30 years. Trust me it's over
  6. For Gobies of course, I am fishing with The Gambler he runs the best best Goby Charter on the Lake. Lmao!!
  7. Pap, I saw the Gobie in action on accuview was amazed at how persistent these things are with Med size shinner and good size crabs. Yes when a fish gets to a certain size these things are like steroids for many of the fish. The salmon frye must run the gauntlet of these things, the return numbers for kings are down, period. Years we have had great natural numbers, the years of the low water not so good. My screen shows the Kings just like yours, trying to get them to take is the best part of the game. The whole point of this post is to discuss the issues of the Goby. One guy points out salmon and trout are not a bottom feeders. Not to many Lakers high in the water column. DEC may just have to increase their numbers to get a higher return. The shoreline spawning fish have a much more difficult time with these things. I don't know how deep the gobies can be found, my personal experience with them has never gone past 30' or so. The simple fact is these things are a issue and we all really hope a solution is on the horizon. Lake Ontario has gone through so many changes in the 40 years I'm fishing it loss of the major smelt runs, loss of the emerald shinner the zebra Mussle now these things. Just before my time the biggest commercial fishery on the big O was the Blue Pike anybody catch one of those lately?
  8. Gotta open your eyes, the Great Lakes will overcome this issue but it is an issue we as sportsman can't deny it. I don't want to see the Gambler riding the one horse. Lol have a good night.
  9. Again because of the mass stocking, many make it. Many don't. I quoted a DEC Biologist not my theory dude.
  10. Gambler, I appreciate your persistence. If you think pen rearing a fish for three weeks is going to increase the frye beyond the size of the Goby's capacity your delusional. Ever see the Kings being stocked? How big are they? I hope your right.
  11. Not to argue, pen reared for how long, to what size? And released where?
  12. I am well aware of the VHS kill, that kill did not have the same effect in Henderson that it did in Mexico Bay but I say again show me a bunch of small ones. As far as the Gobies showing up in the 90's, I think it was 2005 the first published report on them, they are now in mass numbers. The Frye especially the naturals are getting crushed by these things. How's the perch fishing? Check with a biologist on the percentage of returns the last few years. They will answer your question. It's your tax dollars that pay his salary.
  13. The Gobbies ate them, because of the mass stocking of the salmon, a fair percentage will make it. Before anyone goes off on this, do your self a favor.. Go in front of you river of choice and drift a minnow and watch your accuviee if you have one. If you don't simply watch the tip of your rod. You will be completly amazed. Ask yourself why are their DEC Biologist checking you boats at the launches? What's up with the invasive species trash cans at all the state launches? Where are the Smallmouth Bass that used to cruise our shorelines? Ok they got bigger but when is the last time you caught a few smaller ones? I had a long talk with a biologist will not disclose the major port this took place in, "we have a major problem that we don't know how to deal with." These things are eating machines guys, no offense to the charter boat guys but they drive right over them on their way to deep water and are clueless to the issue. I get it your paid to catch fish and I respect that. Your next off day follow my advice in the first paragraph, you to will be amazed. I have had a place on Eastern Ontario since 79, Pulaski was a one horse town then and don't want to see it happen again. I love this fishery and really don't want it to go away but facts are facts.
  14. Funny part about it all, when the salmon entered the river then they didn't eat and still don't. Guys pay guides a lot of money to line a fish. Given every now and then one will get pissed a grab a fly. Think about it. Ever clean a fish with a full belly from the river? Ever clean a fish with anything in its belly? Granted snagging was barbaric and dangerous but now you have 2 less hook points and have to snag them in the mouth. i give the river guides credit now by showing a fisherman how to catch a salmon on a fly all while the guy next to them is cleaning up on a sponge. LOL tight lines!!!!!!
  15. Remember guys the salmon fishing died off in the 80's. DEC used to release the fry in the river and the birds used to line the banks. Then the Browns, pike and everything else that had a mouth was waiting for them to enter the lake. Snagging was allowed in the entire river, for a short time even at night. Snagging hooks were sold alongside the roads. No Fat Nancy's or McDonalds. The Amish used to come up by the bus loads. Tony's bait was the biggest around. A guy using a fly in the river was a moron. There were no fishing reports had to figure it out yourself. Eggs were sold by the fisherman $1.65 /pound was the highest I remember. A guide was non existent. 1 gas station 2 hotels and a diner.
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