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Posts posted by Lucky13

  1. On 5/18/2024 at 12:33 PM, Gator said:

    I'm interested in what you mean by "publicized to the public".  There's no way that the group can put up flyers all over town or advertise in the D&C. Their target audience is small. They have an email list that you can get on to receive notifications. They use Facebook (which I despise) and LOU (which I love). This seems right to me. Folks with interest can easily get dates and times to put on their calendar.


    I guess I don't understand what you're asking them to do. If you have ideas, it'd be great to post specifics. And I bet that the organizers would be pleased to consider them. IMHO, solutions are always appreciated. Meliora!

    I don't expect the Charter group to do anything.  DEC could easily put it in one of their e-newsletters.   That is how the SOL meetings were communicated, as well as through the Fisheries Advisory Board and the other groups.

  2. 23 hours ago, GAMBLER said:

    It is posted on Facebook, here, their email list and the website for the charter association.   Can't say it's non-existent.  

    So it is publicized for the Charter group.   It is NOT publicized for the general public.

  3. 19 hours ago, Morgan-E said:

    ELOSTA has hosted this on the east end since the old meeting format was scrapped.  I do not know who hosts the other regions of the lake. 

    It has been a more relaxed format with a ton of information shared.  The more people who attend and get to interact with the presenters the better informed we will be.  Plus it is great to hear some other fishermen's perspectives and ideas on the fishery - a good night out.  Hoping to see a packed venue.

    Yes, the local charter group hosts the State here, too.  But publicity is non-existent, I would have missed the one a couple of weeks ago if I had not seen it on here.  Attendance was much lower than when it was held at RIT as a stand alone meeting, also likely because few knew about it.  

  4. On 4/21/2024 at 2:32 PM, GAMBLER said:

    State pension employees pay into the system.  The Tier I am in, pays 3% for the first 10 years of their career.  After that they don't pay.  Tier 6 (the newest Tier) pays minimum 3.5% for their entire career.  If their salary is over $100,000 per year, they pay 6% (minimum is 3.5% and there is a scale it goes up to $100,000 and 6%).  My retirement is based off of my three highest year average counting overtime.  The new tiers, its solely off of base salary.  There is plenty of money being paid into the system to support it.  The state pension system is getting stronger with the older tiers being phased out and the people in those tiers no longer living.  Once someone dies in the pension system, the money stops.  If you die 2 weeks after retirement, that money does not go to your family.  It stays in the fund unless you have extra money taken out of your retirement check and your spouse gets payments until she dies.  

    You can opt for a reduced payout while you are alive and the pension continues for your spouse until his or her death.  


    The NYS Pension fund is one of the healthiest out there.  Mr. DiNapoli is doing a fine job of managing the fund.  

    • Like 2
  5. We used (80's) to catch them at night off the Summerville pier while fishing for Kings.  My recollection is that they were restricted from harvest because of the sky high contaminant levels.  I fail to understand how they could be present in the upper Genesee if they all travel out to spawn in the Sargasso Sea, there are three impassable falls in Rochester, and another set in Letchworth.  But I do recall my grandfather having one he caught when I was young (50's) and my recollection was that he had been fishing at Conesus, but he may have just been down on the pier.


    Here's a lot of information: Species Assessment for American eel (ny.gov)

  6. 14 hours ago, Sk8man said:

    I didn't mean to go off on a tangent as far as the gaff use but I figured while we were on the topic of the requirements I'd underscore that they can be very important; especially with unexpected toothy critters. I have had folks ask why they are used on ice and not allowed in boats so I thought seeing a firsthand example would illustrate why they are needed rather than retrieving them with hands etc..

    On ice, you can't use that net that some people think is required unless you drill a 30" hole, hence the gaff!  


    I  prayed for the ability to use more than two rods on a boat for a long time when I used to troll for rainbows, landlocks and lakers on Fourth Lake in the Adirondaks.  When the regulation changed, I got the extra rod holders, and started playing with it.  I found it to be impossible to run three per person with more than one person in the 14 foot Herter with a 10 horse.  Alone, I'll run three but it is a short deep, long deep, and a surface rig, or I spend half my time untangling.  Or, with the motor, I could use s surface rod (Lake Clear with a minnow is popular up there for LLS chasing baby perch in the sunrise)  one lead core, and the downrigger.  But I have lost fish to tangles even with all the separation I could plan.  Shore fishing in ponds, occasionally you'll find a spot where you can use three, but mainly the vegetation around you and the logs in the water make even two rods a dicey proposition. 

  7. I should add that my gaff is piece of 1/2" dowel about 15" long with a 1/0 Siwash hook with the barb removed screwed onto one end, with about  4 feet of braided nylon I can step on in case I lose my grip on the dowel.  I carry it for Hemlock or Canadice, where I lost a nice brown once that had rolled in the leader and refused to come into the hole, but have not had opportunity to use it since (or even carry it out the last two winters.)   

  8. 21 hours ago, LongLine said:

    Semantics can be argued all day long.  I read the wording "and includes" to mean requires.  Yes, I realize you can land a bass via thumb in mouth (if you don't mind hooks in your fingers)'and you can tail a King.; (If you don't mind getting splashed.) and you can drag a fish to shore then scoop it out with your hands. With those in mind and the advent of the Boga type grip, maybe this reg should be re-written/clarified. 


    Use and possession of Gaff and Gaff hooks is explicitly prohibited on fresh water in New York State, in the general angling regulations.  Maybe regs say you can use them with tip-ups/downs somewhere, but I'm not aware of it. Tip-ups/downs are not considered angling. 


    I've seen those 2nd mortgage boats too.  

    $100K for the boat

    $45K for the power plant

    $50K for electronics

    $15K in rods/gear

    $85K for the truck to haul it all

    $2K for insurance

    for what?  One has to win a lot of tournaments to pay that back.  


    With old age comes wisdom and sometimes senility.



    Use of Gaffs

    Use or possession of gaffs or gaff hooks is prohibited when fishing in freshwater, including the Hudson River upstream of the Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, except when ice fishing or while bowfishing.


    That is directly copied from the Regulations.  I added the bold.  


    • Like 1
  9. Its always good to try to maximize your potential audience.  In terms of the future, you should remember that Easter, and all other feasts dependent on it, like Palm Sunday. Good Friday, Ash Wednesday (and Mardi Gras), are movable feasts, they do not fall on the same calendar date  year after year, like Christmas.  If I remember well, Easter is the Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox., and I believe Passover is the first full moon on or after the vernal equinox, which is why some years they are approximately a month apart.  I know that's a lot to remember, so I generally just try to get a complete calendar (a lot of recent ones don't even include the moon phases, much less Religious Holidays.) 

  10. 16 hours ago, LongLine said:

    There is NO LIMIT on RODS.  The limit is on LINES.  The reason it is on lines is simply because you do not need a rod to catch a fish in New York State.  Growing up on Port Bay, our neighbor's grandfather (from the "old county") used to sit on his dock with a hand line.  I can remember him hand-lining a Northern Pike in! (was amazing) There's also a thing called the Seth Green rig, where a real Seth Green uses a winch to reel in a weighted cable with multiple hooks attached to it.  (A slider attaches to your fishing line, not the downrigger cable.)


    The hook and point rules (quantity and size) are there for multiple Alabama rigs (umbrella) and gang hook snagging or foul hooking (incidental or not) 


    Also, if you read the DEC definitions of "angling", it requires the use of a net to complete the landing of the fish.  Tip-ups are explicitly classified as not angling in the definitions which is why they have different regs.


    If you reread that definition, you'll note the word "includes", and the absence of the word "requires."  The definition allows you to use the net, just as you are allowed to use a gaff if you are icefishing, but it in no way requires you to use a net.


    As to 7 ice fishing lines, they are stationary, they cover the spot they are in, and that's it.  The boat trolling covers hundreds of such spots per hour.  I want to see the lake where a small group of icefishers can monopolize the whole lake with tip ups. 

  11. 16 hours ago, Gill-T said:

    I have a question to pose. Has Fox News reported on how the informant in the 3 year Hunter Biden Burisma story was  arrested for making up the whole thing by getting his info from Russian intelligence? Probably not much.  Has Fox News shown any texts messages from Hanity, Tucker, or Laura that were made public in the Dominion case where they all state they know the election steal was a lie and they think Trump is an  idiot?  Probably not. How many of Trump’s circle have either plead guilty to crimes or are currently being investigated?  I typically lean to the right on my voting but I gladly placed a default vote for Biden to keep the Insurrectionist and Chief out of office. This insanity of clinging to a lying criminal by the brainwashed MAGA crowd has kept the Republican Party from promoting a decent candidate.  Do we really believe in a country made up of 331 million people that these candidates are the best of the best?  Reagan is rolling over in his grave with Trump’s love affair with all things Putin. I don’t get it. We should demand better. We deserve better. Trump didn’t beat Biden the first time because Independents like me chose Biden. There will be even more Independents voting Democratic this time around. Trump can’t win. 

    Fox has reported on the arrest and the allegations against the long term and trusted FBI informant.  Has MSNBC asked why Christopher Steele was not arrested for the Russiagate dossier?  Has anyone apologized for the falsehoods thrown at Trump during his tenure?  And, please remember that as with OMB, these are allegations until brought to trial.  They have reported on some of OMB's supporters advising him on the election, but not in such blatantly biased terminology as you employ.  And before you spout the Administration narrative about it all being settled, please remember that many of the suits brought were dismissed for "lack of standing" and for some, there are still questions about 2020, likely always will be.  As to guilty pleas, if faced with a choice between a plea and wrist slap, and a trial in an obviously biased jurisdiction with 30 years imprisonment, most attorneys will advise their client to cop the plea.  As to  Manafort, he was arrested for unrelated tax charges, and I still contend that the conversations used to tar Flynn. are what I would suspect would be appropriate for a National Security Advisor.  How is it that Biden, who had no legal right to have classified documents from his term as VP or earlier in 4 separate locations, was not indicted, except that the Special Prosecutor found that he isn't fit to stand trial, but of course he's sharp as a tack as president.?     You asked earlier if we watched anything other than FOX, which at least I do, but it is obvious that you never watch FOX, just know like so many other TDS sufferers exactly what FOX is or isn't saying.   As to your vote, unless it is democrat or local, it is really moot in NYS, the downstate and urban populations insure that.   I supported Dr. Carson in 2016, how much exposure did his well organized and informed campaign website get from MSM?  I voted for Gary Johnson, as I found both major party candidates unacceptable.  I held my nose and voted for Trump in 2020 because except for the constant sniping from the Democrats and their MSM tools, and the last year when things were upset by the dempanic, I mean pandemic, his administration had produced a strong economy, no new boots on the ground, and solid plans for removing more of them, a reduction in illegal immigration, and at least the appearance of respect from our allies and adversaries.  My retirement was strong!  It took Latitia "Beria" James three and a half year to find a statute that she could use against Trump, and there are records of multiple meetings between our state AG and a County DA, as well as Jack Smith, at the White House, which I take as indication of a coordinated effort to interfere in Trump's candidacy, aka election interference.   No one could put a case together until the last minute, and then on obscure charges. SO, as much as I would like the unity Clueless Joe spoke of when he first took office, I'm not lying down as suggested by SK8Man, to a bunch of leftist activists disguised as democrats, who class me as a deplorable, and continuously ignore half the story to promote their version of the other half as the "truth."  

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, rolmops said:

    I really understand where you are coming from. but there are a few weak links in your argument. First of all: the fact that a lot of people do illegal things, does not make those actions legal.  For example, speeding is illegal, but a lot of people do it anyway, thereby taking a chance on getting caught and fined. Would you defend those people or would you say ,well that's the chance he took?

    Second, there is the fact that the value of properties was either over valuated for loan interest calculations OR underestimated for property tax calculations. So now the coffers of NYS were underpaid. This did hurt many people, because that missing money was made up for by having to tax other people more or plans came to nothing. The nice new paving on route 104 or route 18 and the good schools we have in NYS (try and compare them to most southern states and you will see how good they are) has to be paid somehow and you and I know quite well that a lot of that money comes from New York City tax income.

    So instead of defending somebody who cheats because "everybody does it" it might make more sense to try and support the straight shooters.

    So exactly how much were the "coffers of NYS" underpaid?  I have yet to hear anyone anywhere put a dollar value on this " fraud".   And why did it take 3 plus years for Letitia "Beria" James to find an obscure statute that has never been employed in this manner before with which to fulfill her campaign promises?  In a lot of places, an AG who is involved in the commercial real estate business herself would be expected to recuse themselves from a case involving a potential competitor, but I guess there are different standards of "ethics" operating in a state where the Governor can give 80 million for a stadium where her husband profits from the concessions. 

  13. 11 hours ago, rolmops said:

    Prices did not go up 30%. And just imagine how much worse it would have been for me if my retirement savings would not have gone up 30%.

    I'm not complaining.


    Not all prices went up 30%, but some have gone up more.  I've been watching land prices for a while now in hopes of finding something I could afford up on the Tug Hill.  10 acre area plots that sold regularly for less than 3 K per acre prior to the current debacle in DC are now regularly advertised for 5K per acre or more.  If it's less than 3 K its 90+ acres, or its all regulated wetland.


    Are you all in on another of your fearless leader's proposals, taxation of unrealized income?  That'd take care of the growth in your 401(K).   And the stock market only started to rise in the last 6 months out of the last 3.5 years, imagine how much more your retirement would have grown if it hadn't stalled for much of that time. 

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, fisherdude said:

    Trump's not running for you or I he's running to save his hide. I seen a news clip yesterday Leticia James is asking the judge to seize assets if Trump can't come up with the cash for the bond. Rumor Has It ,heard it several times Gavin Newsom sliding in at the last moment. that'll be a totally different race for Trump. It will bring back all the Democrats that have questions of voting for Biden . Which time there's not enough maga's to overcome the Democrat vote.

    Oh, please, you would vote for Hairspray after seeing the state of California, what he's done about San Fransisco and Los Angeles? Good publicists should be able to make mincemeat from Nancy's nephew.  

  15. 41 minutes ago, Gill-T said:

    Stocking is funded by money earmarked from the federal Pittman-Robertson Act. It has nothing to do with who is in office at any level. Might I suggest sprinkling in some news stations other than just Fox to learn about all the things Fox is not telling you. 

    Pittman Robertson funding is wildlife related.  Dingall Johnson is fisheries related, Aid to Sport Fish Restoration.  It was amended by Wallop- Breaux, which added items to be excise taxed and required that it be divided between fresh and saltwater programming based on a percentage of anglers using each, among other earmarking.  Since we don't require a marine license to use to count heads, it led to creation of the Marine registry requirement.  If I read right, it was ~9.2 million in 2023, and it is used for way more than the hatchery program.  Also, please do not forget that the 40+ million generated to the conservation fund, by  the sale of hunting and fishing licenses.

  16. 1 hour ago, paprman said:


    1 hour ago, paprman said:

    What does all this BS have to do with lake ontario fishing? When did this become a re elect Trump website?

    Back in the middle ages when I was in college, we were protesting the invasion of Cambodia by burning Nixon in effigy.  A local news reporter asked one of my friends why we were doing that.  He replied "because we don't have a football team. "   Not a lot of fishing to do or discuss right now, and no one forces you to read the thread. 

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  17. 2 hours ago, thumbburn said:

    I for one will tell you that my assessment that the state comes up with is certainly over valued…. Can I sue them?

    Seems there is always an appeals process for local assessments, the State doesn't assess real estate (except for the leftest judge in the OMB trial, assessing Florida real estate).  I was employing a literary device, "metaphor."  The "sue the state" process I was referring to is for something like "false arrest" which might come into play, depending on the outcome of the appeals.  But I'm in no way claiming any authority on this, I'm not an attorney (and I'm glad of that seeing how that profession has been debased recently).    

  18. It's chumming the spot with the natural invertebrates like bloodworms scuds, and insect larvae that live in the shallow mud.  It likely won't work if you are on smooth rock, but gravel and silt bottoms that can be disturbed are going to have lots of (to a perch) tasty bits in them.

  19. 9 minutes ago, whaler1 said:

    It’s complete bs. If he gets back in there is going to be hell to pay. 

    The problem is, we're the ones who are going to pay it, the officials who make the terrible decisions don't pay, the taxpayers do.

  20. Its been illegal to sell Gamefish in NYS as long as I can remember.  But when I lived in Binghamton, where many people concentrate on the big brown trout of the Cannonsville and Pepacton Reservoirs, if you were willing to pay the price and had been vetted by the seller, it was possible to buy trout fillets anytime you wanted.  When I came back here, I encountered a number of folks who said the reason you needed a snowmobile for Oneida was so you could shuttle the first limit of walleyes back to the car, one guy even had a "secret compartment" under his seat for them, and a stash spot in his truck.  So the limit is only as good as the ethics of the "sportsmen" doing the harvesting, and the ability of an underfunded and overworked Law Enforcement Division of DEC  to maintain the order.  

    30 or 40 years ago, the wisdom on small panfish was increase harvest, the reason they were all stunted was because there were too many for the food base, that pasture full of malnourished or dead cows.  Maybe that has changed, it would be good to see the research.  But back about 10 or so years ago, the tiny perch complaint was common on Irondequoit Bay, until Clayton Massare (Squid's Bait)  and a few other pioneers tried the "big fish big bait" theory and went deeper, upsized their jigs and minnows, and started hauling in lots of 14 and 15 inchers.  All the embayments are the nursery for the Lake, so there you are always going to have huge schools of dinks, you have to keep moving to get away from them.  Some of the more recent arrivals to the USA have different cultural approaches to fish.  The Burmese immigrants in the Niagara Falls area fish in the effluent stream from the wastewater treatment plant and keep the Emerald Shiners for eating, along with everything else they catch.  The Vietnamese that I have known around here use the little fish to make fish sauce.  And it seems pretty obvious that the growing problem with snakeheads is being caused by SE Asian immigrants who want the fish they like in their new home.   But I suspect the "Powers that Be" in NYS are going to accuse you of being a bigot or worse if you tell all these people they have to change to conform to your system, even though that is the totally logical thing to tell them if we are basing things on Science.  And remember, equity says everyone has the same number of fish in their bucket at the end of the day, even if it is a mostly empty bucket.

    Don't know what the answer is, but I can see lots of questions. 

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