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Posts posted by BlueEye

  1. John,

    You raise another good point with respect to PayPal security. You can never be too safe, so be careful of those SPAM email messages you might be get of people pretending to be PayPal. ALWAYS check the URL in the header to make sure you are actually on the paypal website and not some hacker server.



  2. Hey Sliderman,

    Paypal is THE MOST TRUSTED payment gateway on the internet. To make a payment, someone would only have to sign on to their paypal account and click "Send Money". After that, they simply type in YOUR email address and the amount of money they want to send you (with an option description of what they are paying for - just for record keeping). Their money is sent instantly to your account then. You can then use money in your account to buy other things online via paypal or you can transfer money (no charge) directly to your personal bank account. PayPal is very flexible that way and thus my first choice when it comes to my money online. Google is coming out with something similar but right the standard that everyone uses is PayPal. I hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.

    All the best,


  3. Welcome to the board Shawn! You think it is fun on here now... just wait till those summer months roll around here. One of the best things about this board, like you said, is the opportunity to meet some of the people from LOU in person out on the water. I have had the pleasure of meeting many of the members and they really are a great (and funny) bunch of guys who are the best at what they do..... fishing :)

  4. Welcome to the site Joe! Isn't it funny how we can always find something else fishing related to spend our money on even when we think we have everything? I have already spent my ENTIRE 2008 fishing budget in January! Looks like we are going to have to cut back on other budgets in order to free up some more "fish dollars". My apologies to the girl friend if she don't get some nice flowers and chocolates this year for Valentines Day - but Daddy needs a new pair of boat shoes ;)

  5. Hahah - sorry Bob. Tonight we did a huge server upgrade so I apologize if things are kinda goofy. We needed to upgraded to PHP 5.X and also our database to latest version of MySQL. We also optimized our memory usage by over 30% and did a couple other server optimization things that probably no one cares about cause it doesn't mean much in the way of fishing ;) So I won't bore ya but just wanted to let you know that I am guessing many people had some "wacky" experiences today as we moved this HUGE site over to the new server Hopefully things should be back to normal now.. (or even better and faster than before!).



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