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Posts posted by BlueEye

  1. MANY of our members here on Lake Ontario United are from Canada and this forum was created as per their request. This is after all Lake Ontario UNITED right? I didn't want the fishing reports section to become too long in the tooth with reports from both sides, leaving others with an ocean of posts to search through so I broke up the forum (as per one of our Canadian members request) into two sections.

    Here's to you North Country :)

  2. Hunting season approaches and even though I do not do any hunting, I thought this to be kind of interesting....

    $12,000 Dollar Deer Hunt?


    You will also notice that for the next two weeks, LOU auctions will display hunting relevant ebay items on the main page. So to all our hunters who are also fisherman on this board, enjoy and here is to a successful season - no matter how much money you spend on the hunt... 8)

  3. Haha - sorry about that Tank! The image posts in true resolution format and doesn't get re-sized cause it posts as an HTML Doc and not a picture format. Some people like this and some people don't, but I personally don't mind it. You can always right click on the image and select "View Image" and this will open the image itself in a new window and depending on your browser (IE, Firefox, ect.) will be resized appropriately. Let me know if that helps. Thanks again Tank!

  4. Big Fisherman,

    On this board, when our members speak - I listen. You suggested an easier way to upload and post images. Try our new image upload mod - it really doesn't get much easier than that 8)


    Hope this helps and keep the great stories coming. I am really enjoying all the adventure stories our members have to share.


  5. As the open lake fishing season slowly comes to an end here, I was curious to what some of your more memorable and funny moments were on the lake this year?

    I'll start... about a month ago we were out deep - 500-600 feet of water (perfect night - glass calm water) and we noticed something very odd on the horizon. It was VERY small and I thought maybe it was a deer so as we packed our rods and called it a night, we swung by the object.

    Turns out what we originally thought might have been a deer or maybe just drift wood was actually a 14 foot aluminum boot equipped with one dude, a fishing rod and a hand operated motor out in 600 feet of water! Talk about rolling the dice. I'd be scared to take that boat 50 feet from shore, let alone 600 feet of water. I wonder how many gas tanks he was carrying?

    Cheers 8)

  6. I was asked a good question the other day that I wanted to turn around and ask the LOU community. The question was as follows:

    Chad, if you only had access to one fishing website online, which one would you choose? Would it be a weather site, surface temp site, another forum or maybe a tournament site?

    Of course, LOU was my first (and obvious) answer. But aside from LOU, what other sites do our members visit on a regular basis? Just curious....

    Thanks 8)

  7. Support those who support us.  Check out the latest deals, news, events and other happenings from LOU SPONSORS.





    If you have your own items you wish to sell, please see below for a tutorial on how to post your pictures.


    You want to share your photos with the community but are not sure how. No problem. This step by step tutorial will walk you through exactly how to post your own pictures on Lake Ontario United.

    There are TWO ways to post pictures on LOU.

    The First Way (and the easiest way)
    Simply click on the "Start New Topic, Reply to this topic or Use Full Editor (quick reply)" option to bring up the full post editor. After that, click on the ATTACHMENTS option below the post body and upload your images.

    The Second Way
    Setting up PhotoBucket Account. We need to make our images available on the Internet. Having them on your personal computer is not good enough so what we are going to do is setup an account with PhotoBucket that will host our images ONLINE for us!
    1.) Visit PhotoBucket.com and register for an account or sign in if you already have one.
    2.) Under where it says "Chose an Image" you will see a "Browse" button. Click on the "Browse" button and select the picture on your computer that you would like to upload.
    3.) Once the image from your computer has been selected, click "Open".
    4.) Then simply press the "UPLOAD" button.
    5.) Your image will upload to the website and you will receive a confirmation message saying "Your Images have Uploaded!"

    Simple right? Ok, so now we have taken the images from your computer and put them on our Photobucket account. Now we want to share this image with members of the LOU community.
    1.) Log into your photobucket account if you are not already.
    2.) Scroll down to the bottom and you will see all the images you have uploaded. Click on the "IMG Code" text. This will AUTOMATICALLY copy the image code for you.
    3.) Paste the image code into your message on the LOU Forum.

    The code that you paste into your message will look similar to this (but longer):


    That's it! Nothing to it and its very convenient and beneficial to both parties. Plus, you can use your photobucket account to post images on virtually any other message board out there.

    I hope this little tutorial helps and please private message me with any questions you might have.
    Kind regards,

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