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Posts posted by Fishstix

  1. http://www.abes-tackle-box.com/

    I think we all check out the same sites Abe had a good reports but the server went down and he hasent really got it going again.

    LOU is definately my favorite I probably check it 3 times a day.

    I really dont pay much attention to weather predictions. I do keep my eyes open on the big pond though.

    Ill check out At the Oak a couple times a week , there is some good info to be found there.

  2. Not a great weekend but a good weekend. Had the dropsies. Those kings mouths are getting hard and its really hard to get a solid hookset.My flybite is still off I probabky didnt give a dodgerfly an hours worth of running time.Fished spoons both days.Temp was high . 47 down 39ft. Water was clear and cold. Sat was a glow spoon day. Sunday glows would not fire it turned into a grape dot watermellon day.I fished less than 200FOW some went deeper and caught fish 600 FOW was mentioned alot.LOC starts FRI. I had one king probably 25lbs . and a brn around 13. Various other smaller kings.

    I caught a king on the wire dipsey with 80 feet of wire out . My closest to the boat yet.

    I also almost got spooled with a tekota 500lc w/30 lb test. Had to turn the boat around to get the fish . They dont hold enough line 20lb test is fine but 30 pushes the limit.

  3. I had a great time fishing the first annual derby. Hope to make a better showing next year. We were off a little bit on our lures but maybe next year Ill get in a little prefishing. Great bunch of folks. It was fun to fish back at the fingers again. Thanks Chaos for hosting .

    BTW my email adress is

    [email protected] if any one has any photos to share.

  4. I dont know how far down you were fishing but the two lakers should have told you temp was high. Yea we all have bad days. Its part of the challenge. I fish the south shore of LO andswe had more of a NE wind Sunday it slowed the fishing alot. Our Honeyholes from SAT were empty and we basically had to ride around till we hit a fish then ride around some more. Catching fish for a first timer is excellent but you still have to put your time in. Yea down speed and temp is important but its only part of the whole puzzle. A puzzle I hope I never put completely together.

  5. Fished with the Holy Mackerel both Sat and Sun. Had one of those Sat morns that you dont have very often. Kings ,kings and more kings, Limited out by noon several over 25. Pictures to follow if I can get my camera program reloaded.

    90 Fow around 40 down. NBK"s . green glow dodger flies. basically every rod was taking fish.Sunday was a different story.4 fish Sunday and we worked hard for em. Good ole Lake O.

  6. Hermit Ill be at the launch at long point 6am. If this works out for you OK let me know. We could also launch out of deans cove if it works out better.It really makes no difference to me. Just let me know what you want to do.

    BTW the "network" came thru with some really new top secrete stuff.

    We will have to run a little slower than I want but its gaurenteed to load the fishbox.So Hermit start working on the speech[not to long please]It looks like NO Promises is backing out.So its up to you and me.

  7. TB dont be in a big hurry to get your wire setup in the water.

    Be sure to do the 1lb weight dragged thru the water to make sure the line is on tight enough.Also learn the knot mentioned above as you will find the wire has a tendency to pigatail on the ends and you will want to cut it off and retie. Something that is a pain to do with crimps.

    Ive lost tackel to crimps, never lost any to the knot.

    Personally I run 1000ft of 30lb test mason wire. Its all Ive ever ran and really know nothing about the other mfg. Ive never ran backing.I use a 9ft leader between the dipsey and whatever Im pulling behind it.My leaders are 30lb test ande line.[im running 10ft roller rods]

    As in every new endever there is a learning curve. Put in the time and you will do alright.

  8. I switched to the roller tips on my wire rigs. After years of flea plugged twilly tips . Bringing in a wire covered with a flea rope is a breeze. The rollers just saw right thru the fleas.

    Im thinking I may try the roller tips on my mono rods. If it works and the rollers cut the fleas off as Im reeling it in I may be on to something really big here.Really big.

    Any one else been messing with this stuff?

  9. Wow the" Dalmation " made the board. Same story down our way but we werent marking the bait or fish down that deep.White or glow spoons were the semi hot ticket. They are nice pictures of fresh fish. Ones we caught were semi black already. Best description I heard was a 20lb plus salmon that came in like a bullhead.Also we had lots of lampreys. I hope that water blows out this week.

  10. Chaos from what I hear the bite on Cayuga has been slow. Really slow.Ive sent a couple spies out that are in the "network" to see what they can find out. Dont go around asking what the "network" is . Its better for your health. If someone taps you on the shoulder in a large crowd you may find out.OK back to my ,our Trophy.It would be cool to leave it at Bass Pro.They would have to display it in a glass case kinda like they use for the Hope Diamond. In case there are some sore LOU-SERS out there.

    The electric converter plug on my wifes laptop is fried.Or else we could have used it. I just plan on getting some ice and my BIG fishbox.Hermit is going to put me on the fish . Yeah Hermit shoot me a PM let me know what time you want to get together.

    On a sad note I lost my best two dodger fly combos last weekend.The salmon were showing no mercy. Hermit and I wont be showing mercy either.

    Chaos if youe really looking for a ride let us know by July 22.

  11. Looking for a good deal on a color plotter. I want it to be able to talk to my

    autopilot. I want antenna, cables, book,everything included. A lowrance 3500c would be ideal but there are garmin and other models that I will consider.Bigger screen the better.

    Yea I know there is EBAY. But there are so many models I would rather deal directly with the person that has used the unit.

    Any out there?

    I now have a raychart 425c.

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