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Posts posted by GAMBLER

  1. While fishing the bay this fall and on the ice the other day, I noticed the break wall set up they put in is actually causing issues with the bay.  It looks like the sand is washing into the bay through the East end between the Point and the wall when the water is high.  The sand at the end of the point now extends way into the bay.  Spots I used to set tip ups is now dry land.  I thought the point of the break wall was to keep the bay from filling in?   

  2. 2 minutes ago, rolmops said:

    As far as fines are concerned, yes that is laughable for some yet the same amount of money is a hardship for others.

    To equalize the punishment the judges should stick these people in jail for a week or so.

    That would be a far more equal punishment

    Jail time and a steep fine.  The laughable game fines in New York are not a deterrence for people.  The fines should be a hardship for EVERYONE.  If you don't want to pay fines, don't break the law!  

  3. 6 hours ago, HB2 said:

    I have to figure I catch as many of those Sandy Bass as anyone the amount of times I fish . 


    Some years it's lights out , some it's not . I will say I get a good amount of smaller fish mixed in with the bigger ones and always have since I have been down there . 

    That wasn't always the case.  For years, it was all big smallies and no little ones.  The run is weird from year to year also.  Some years they come in early, and it's strung out over a month and some years they come in in one big wave over a couple of days..  

  4. VHS disease took a huge toll.  Tons of dead bass floating up the one year.  I can't remember the year but my lab enjoyed rolling on the carcasses at Braddocks that summer.  I believe 2004 or 2005 was when VHS disease reared it's ugly head.   The spring run of smallmouth at Sandy has been slowly getting better the past five or so years.  We are now seeing small fish instead of just big fish and more of them.    

  5. 9 hours ago, schreckstoff said:

    I wonder how the bass population dynamics would change if the creel was even lower (like zero). That would still allow for the conservation minded tournaments that catch and release. If the bass numbers go up the Goby numbers go down. Maybe wouldn’t need seasonal regs at all. 

    I know, I know, just too crazy of an idea. Probably should just stick my head back in the sand and grumble about how things used to be better.

    I'm all for it.  We used to have a blast smallmouth fishing off Monroe County.  They are still there but in way smaller numbers.  

  6. On 1/13/2024 at 9:46 AM, kyle1800 said:

    Well if it were the other way around I would have no disagreement. Rainbow trout are the same species as steelhead. I get that. Sea-run rainbows. That's all they are. But to put it simply. Every steelhead is a rainbow. Not every rainbow is a steelhead. There in lies my issue with it. If they mean the species as a whole. Then they should just say rainbow trout. And steelhead would be covered under it, without question.  But they don't. They say "steelhead". "Trout and salmon" 15inches.  And then steelhead as an exception or 25 inches now. So to me a stream rainbow is not a steelhead. It's just not. It would not live in the river it's whole life. It would do what any sea run salmoniod or char does. Go to the open water. Mature. Come back inthe river to spawn.  So if they (whoever decides this) are the ones being technical enough to use the term steelhead. So if your getting that technical in a technical regulation. Then to me a stream rainbow is a "trout and salmon"  before its a "steelhead". And I bet my bottom dollar the stream rainbow would have a different number of anal rays than a steelhead. They tell the Colombian steelhead from the Skamanian using anal rays (and if stocked they cut the adapose on the Skamanian) And they are both steelhead. So I don't see why the same technique could be used for a stream rainbow vs a steelhead.  

    But i digress. I just need to talk to a fish and game person when I go up. And at least hear why they use the term steelhead if they mean the much broader rainbow trout designation.  

    If we call them all steelhead or all rainbows, it simplifies regulations and creel limits.  In the end we have a world class fishery so does it matter?

    • Like 2
  7. 11 minutes ago, kyle1800 said:

    Gambler. Thanks for the information. Sorry I took so long to respond.

    Can you give me where I can find this information? If it's DEC then it's written somewhere right? Not that I doubt you. I just would like to read this information and any other that is about such matters. 


    Kingme. No kidding?  I had two kids (2 and 3yo). So I haven't gotten up much at all. I went in 2023 though one time. The fishing was rough. I only hooked two and landed one. It was not legal. Matter of fact it was I think 19 inches .

    But did they change this for 2024? Or was it that in 2023? I can understand why. The numbers looked way down. Didn't even see another person hook one the entire day. 

    New York Angler Achievement Awards Program - NYDEC


    Look at the state records.  There is just rainbow and no steelhead.  It is all lumped into one species.  

  8. 25 minutes ago, fisherman21 said:

    Me too! I have still never got one. I was jealous when we walked up to them and saw they were greys lol. Those 2 make 3 that I have called in for friends though. They are so far a few between around here

    My father's old house had a ton of grays.  I wish I could still hunt there.  They are beautiful animals.  Silver Fox are even better looking and more rare!  

    • Like 1
  9. Looking through our temp data for todays date (12/27) for the past 11 years, we are currently sitting at the second highest intake temp.  We will see how the winter pans out but the YOY alewife need this pattern to continue!  Here are the temps for the past 11 years on this date:


    2023 - 44 degrees

    2022 - 35 degrees

    2021 - 42 degrees

    2020 - 40 degrees

    2019 - 39 degrees

    2018 - 39 degrees

    2017 - 36 degrees

    2016 - 40 degrees

    2015 - 45 degrees

    2014 - 40 degrees

    2013 - 37 degrees

    • Like 2
  10. 15 minutes ago, UNREEL said:

    It seems like NY can’t wait to be a California clone with banning hunting contests and slave reparation legislation. Fishing tourneys are next. We’re looking to get out of NY also. 

    I have 13 years, 5 months and 21 days until I can retire with a full pension.  I don't know if I will make it that long.  It's getting worse and it doesn't look like it is getting better anytime soon.  Just when you think it couldn't get worse, they double down on stupidity!

  11. 13 hours ago, Gill-T said:

    I wonder how the NYS Big Buck Club, Boone and Crockett Club, the LOC Derby, the ProAm committee feel about this new legislation. It’s coming people. Lots of “anti” forces going  unchecked. Pay attention and get involved. 



    As of right now, it only affects coyote, fox, crow and squirrel competitions.  I wouldn't be surprised if it all gets banned soon.  This state is on a bad path right now.  My days of living in this state are numbered.  

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, chowder said:

    This is great news for the people who try and make a living serving these communities. Instead of lamenting the exclusive use people may have had to certain bodies of water we should work to ensure that the DEC and fisheries keeps up with the demand of more people fishing these waters 

    How do you keep up the demand of species they do not stock or fragile populations like the St. Lawrence muskies?  Too much pressure, over harvest or mishandling could cause severe damage to fragile populations that could take the DEC years to correct.  The communities around Hemlock and Candaice Lake do not benefit at all from fishing pressure on these lakes.  There is literally nothing around these lakes.  All it has done is put a strain on the fishery and more ice fishermen are leaving garbage on the ice.  The internet has done more bad than good for NY fish populations IMO.  

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  13. 22 hours ago, fisherdude said:

    Not only does hunting and fishing control the species hunted and fished it puts a ton of money back into the economy from buying licenses all the gear it takes ,gas ,food Etc. I wonder if that means there's no more Elite bass fishing in New York state no more Lake Erie Ontario fishing  derbies look how many contributions has gone to cancer and the Wounded Warriors just another way government is taking the rights and privileges away from the citizens of this country

    As of right now, its only limited to Squirrell, Crow, fox and coyote.  IF this clown doesn't get voted out of office, I wouldn't be surprised if it all goes away.  I just read an article yesterday on the possibility of NY following Californias lead of banning charcoal and gas grills.  Unreal........

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