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Posts posted by jimski2

  1. Save  your money. When setting your riggers point the boat downwind and then travel sideways to the wind. Steering a boat especially a light one into the wind is almost impossible. Going into a stiff breeze, taking your eyes off course will end up in a spin around and tangled lines. The wheels man must not be distracted by a fish or crewmen. He has to have 100% concentration on his course for steering straight. If you want to go back over a hot spot pull your lines and riggers and power back beyond it, then troll downwind.

  2. Most deaths are from pneumonia brought on by the virus. The 1918 pandemic deaths were from pneumonia the same. Your immune system is increased by your body temperature and the high temperature is indicative of its fight off the virus. The pneumonia is brought on by the phlegm brought on by the virus and it fills the lung sacs preventing the exchange of oxygen to your blood. Your heart works harder and and the body shuts down.

  3. So are the police going back on the beat? How will groceries be delivered? This mayor has over reacted. All the health care advisories say maintain a six foot separation from other people. Do not travel with other people in the car except residents of your home.

  4. On 3/29/2020 at 8:22 AM, spoonfed-1 said:


    One boater reported landing 500 perch last week on :Lake Erie, that is social distancing. Opening day trout fishing had hundreds of fishermen out, yet they all practiced "social distancing" with no "combat fishing" situations observed. It was the best opener ever.

  5. Between both parties we are going to be stuck with a foolish old coot who is over seventy years old. We need a mandatory retirement age for all political offices everywhere. I am tired of the foolish speeches that they foist on the public when they will be in their graves.

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  6. Set up  three rod holders for each side of the boat. Dipseys, side planers with snap weights diving stickbaits or spoons will do all you need to catch your fish. The dipsey rods need line counter reels, the rest of your lines can be spinning rod and reels. That is an economical start.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Emerald shiner bait sales are inconsistent. The regular bait dealers are used to supplying golden shiners that are delivered to their stores. Without emerald shiner deliveries from local catches, they like to keep the price of bait high, we are stuck with these old men who sell the bait but do not catch their own anymore. The biologist I spoke with said the lakes emerald shiner levels are doing well. If you dip some minnows it is best you salt and freeze some for use later this year. The perch catches on Lake Erie are fine this spring from the Cattaraugus Creek ramp. No docks in yet but hip boots help launching there. Small boat access is again lacking again even with the lack of ice this spring. It is a sin boaters have to drive 30 miles to enjoy the lake now.

  8. The 1918 pneumonia pandemic resulted in 3,000 deaths in Erie County. This is just the beginning. You should get serious about the warnings and do as they advise. You can not take  your money with you. The warnings are not really sufficient and any predictions of things being better in a couple weeks are really just that. Stay home, it is better than the hospital.

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