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Silver Fox

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Posts posted by Silver Fox

  1. One of the things not yet mentioned is the effect of length of the copper being used. The longer the length the more bow there is in the copper. The copper doesn't really stretch it is rather slack created by the bowing. An additional thing that happens is that with spoons or sticks run on a leader off the copper the lure lifts upward somewhat because of the weight of the bow in the copper and the longer the copper the more it lifts so a lot of times you may not be running where you think. I realized this when using the Fishhawk TD and it would probably be picked up by the Smarttrol as well. The drag setting can become important because if set too loose the slack in the copper may  not be picked up quickly enough or tightly enough and the fish may either not be hooked well, or it can briefly use the slack to its advantage and get off. I generally go with a 20 ft leader and depending on what I am running on it may use either mono or fluoro. I use mono for deeper copper presentations because a little stretch is desired especially with attractors. I use fluoro for clearer water upper level (shallower) water situations running single lures (spoons or sticks) because it is stiffer and may give a bit more action to the lure and may be less visible. With a 250 or 300 ft of copper and a 20 ft. leader any lure is far enough away from the boat so having a very long leader doesn't seem to serve much of a purpose in my view as it may also lessen the action of the lure.Just my way of doing it I guess but it seems to work.
    Yup, I mentioned the bowing.


  2. Also, have you ever noticed that hook up rates are better when they are on the boards? I do. I believe the lack of a release when it's down the chute causes many swings and misses.


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  3. anybody thinks the pats have a weak line you don't know football very well. if the pats had a weak line they wouldn't be on top of their division every year. offensive and defensive lines win football games. no line you cant win a game. the game is won in the trenches. these guys get beat up every play and get no credit for it. the coach and quarterback get all the glory. the media with the cameras show it to us every play. we have to watch the coach and seconds later the quarterback.  it looks like a beauty contest to me. the guys on the line get called for a cheap penalty because he touch the quarterback. football is turning into a game of cheap penalties. if the pass receiver cant catch the ball the fans want the ref to call a penalty. back to the bills games, we should have beaten Dallas in the second game. the redskins beat us in the trenches. those other two game we could have one but the coaching was much better from NY and Dallas.
    You are stuck in the "NFL past". The game is played to get the ball out of the qbs hands quicker. A team can make their line look like gods when routes are run to get the ball out of the qbs hands in 2-3 seconds.


    • Like 2
  4. Do some research instead of guessing. Statistically the Pat's line had been about the worst in the league. Anyone that follows football knows this. Again, they have Brady. You are the only person on the Earth fighting this.
    How do the Bill's win 2? They got completely blown out in 3 of them and Norwood missed a not so easy field goal. I'll give you 1 maybe.
    I'm out..


  5. Sorry, IMO your wrong.
    Allen got hurt by his arm getting hit while throwing, not by running all around and New Englands O-line for a couple years before this year was one of the worst in the league. They still went to the super bowl and he didnt get hurt. I hate defending this guy, but facts are facts.

    The problem with the bills this year. they didn't have an offensive line and pass receivers. if Brady played here they would Cary him off the field. we have a quarterback now. he missed 5 games because he likes to run all over the field. he will learn how to stay in the pocket when he gets a line in front of him. Brady has a good line to protect him.


  6. I'm not saying they didnt hit on some players, but they're overall draft history is not good. Everyone hits a player now and then. They have tom and that's the difference. I don't understand how anyone can't see that.
    And Tomlin should be fired.


  7. I'm not saying they didnt hit on some players, but they're overall draft history is not good. Everyone hits a player now and then. They have tom and that's the difference. I don't understand how anyone can't see that


  8. Unfortunately, that "no call" (targeting the head and interference) was so bad, even the NFL admitted they screwed up. My dead grandma saw that from 6' under. Game ends shortly after.
    Theirs always plays or calls in a game that are questionable, but because of the time of the game and where it was at, it was a colossal mistake that changed everything for everyone.


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