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Andre wallyandre

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Everything posted by Andre wallyandre

  1. Price reduce!
  2. Top quality Tempest Plus prop 17” pitch In top like new condition Price: $275
  3. I use the new 333 from Scotty and I’m very satisfied. Price is right also. https://www.fish307.com/scotty-333-track-mounted-rod-tree-w-rodmaster-ii-rod-holders/?keyword_session_id=vt~adwords|kt~|mt~|ta~541435570949&_vsrefdom=wordstream&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6auyBhDzARIsALIo6v8zvqdPYOe5p8hoRu4QQvPsy3w-YVw2T_JP_0ICdGkB7FZh2CXEeWgaAtGoEALw_wcB
  4. Brand new HDI transducer (2D and downscan) with the black connector (9 pins) Fit with Lowrance and Simrad Asking $60+sh.
  5. I have a brand new pair of speakers Lowrance SonicHub-2 for sale Price:$90+sh.
  6. From the Lowrance Hook operator manual
  7. Brand new set of Lowrance sonichub 2 speakers Price:$90+sh.
  8. From the Navionics website compatibilty chart:
  9. You got a mis information. The Hook can run a 32gig card and you should be able to get a new card at half price
  10. In that case they are suppose to send tou one at half the cost, they call that: Update and if you look on the website you will see the Navionics Update it will be a newer car of 16 or 32gig caopacity
  11. You never activate the card? If so go on Navionics website and download the: Chart Installer and download nautical chart and sonar chart with the card inserted in the pc.
  12. A like new Mercury Enertia prop 14x19 . Top of the line Price: $475 value over $900
  13. BLACK SHORT TILT-LOK ELECTRONICS MOUNT For anglers looking to save some space on consoles that have limted space this mount will best suit your needs. Unlike the Sure-Lok that has the ability to lift and rotate the unit to a different radial position, this Tilt-Lok simply remains stationary at the base and only allows the electronics unit to be adjusted on the vertical axis. This rigid mount allows ZERO movement once it is locked in position and is great for situations where there is no need for the spring loaded rotating base supplied on our standard Sure-Lok mount. Price: $75 + sh.
  14. I have for sale a Navionics card model: 648P (P for Platinum) that fit Lowrance, Simrad, Humminbird and Raymarine. The 648P cover Lake Ontario Canadian and US side, the St-Lawrence, lake Champlain and the Hudson river and more (see pic) I want $50
  15. Just receive my Scotty tree rod holder and phone holder. I just test it in my track and it’s perfect. The price is very attractive, I paid $190/each Canadian so it should be around $140-150US I also use a electronic mount that I use for my Fishawk
  16. Part# for the adapter cable is: 000-13313-001
  17. For the HST-WSBL for certain models the buyer will need a adapter from 7 to 9 pins: HDS-PRO, HDS LIVE, ELITE FS, ELITE Ti2, ELITE Ti
  18. I’m running a 3-1 on the transom of my Crestliner and my top speed is 44mph and never loose bottom. Take a pic of your transducer installation from different angles and also the bottom rear of your hull.
  19. Thank you. Will do our best and I don’t mind catching a few kings on light tackle
  20. With that kind of weather this year what do think our chances of getting some browns on the 2nd week of April? I’m going with some friends but I think we are going to encounter some difficulties. You’re opinion?
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