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Posts posted by stan

  1. Out here we have those San Francisco type guys on sail boats, Last Feb while on Whiskey Town lake, I moved out of this one sail boats way 20 times. Now you have to understand there where only two boats on the entire lake. Us and the sail boat. It finally got to the point I was not going to move again. This boat was not going to quit cutting across my bow. So I stood on the bow of my boat and yelled you wine glass drinking _ _ _ cut me off again I will ram you. They turned and never returned and there was peace on the waters once again. Just a little common sense on there part would not have got my blood pressure to that point. I know they have the right away , but don't push it and we all can get along

  2. Back in the early 90s Fish and Game here , stocked a number of sturgeon from the Columbia river here in Shasta Lake, but a lot of them died they had some kind of virus . The ones we have now , came up river to spawn and where trapped behind the dam when it was finished . Our state record is 468 pounds caught in the Delta.

    Ken or as we who know him call him Patch. Is one of the top guides for sturgeon in the north state here http://www.riverpirate.com/sturgeon_fishing.asp

    http://www.lunkerhunter.com/fishing_for ... 263#p19263

    Here are some pictures of fish our our members took with there fish

    http://www.lunkerhunter.com/fishing_for ... f=18&t=974

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