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Posts posted by stan

  1. Thanks for the wonderful midnight phone call, to let me know what a great time I have missed. If it was not for my horse going through the barbed wire and needing 250 stitches.

    Then bring her home to find both my doges had been run over and killed. After putting my horse back in the barn, and going inside to find a note on the kitchen table , my wife ran off with my best friend.. I assure you I would have been there.

    So till next year, if my luck holds out I will be there.

    Semper Fi Ray

  2. That is where I have my leaders at the 22-24" range as well, but have not tried it off my copper yet. Thanks for the heads up Yankee Troller. I will give the copper a try on Thursday with the Smart Fish. Is there a particular place you run the copper with the Smart Fish ?

  3. Matt

    I just started using the Smart Fish out here in California, I contribute it to us landing a number of Jacks last weekend on Shasta Lake. I ran the Smart fish off the dipsy divers on wire ,off each side of the boat. Both where set at the 4;00 setting with Howie flies. I can't wait to use them in the Pacific this Aug.

  4. Well it has been 28 years since the last time I fished Copco lake, So I hooked up the boat and made the 86 mile drive. The old windy gravel road has been replaced with pavement . On the way up the mountain I never saw another vehicle , now for those who don't know about Copco lake it's on the Klamath River and just a few miles your in Oregon. The river above the lake is known for trophy Rainbow and Browns some two miles above the bridge. Copco is about 2 1/2 miles long and the widest spot about 1/2 mile. The area has some of the best Mule deer hunting in California. The lake hold Bass, Crappie, Sunfish, Blue gill and Klamath Rive Rainbow Trout. The eastern part of the lake averages 20' then west of Mallard cove it starts to drof off to over 90' , with the deepest hole around 98'. The wind was kicking up to 20 & 25 mph had a hard time holding course and landing fish. The item of the day was the Silver Streak spoon #336 Pop's Pick. I had the whole lake to myself except for three locals that launched on the west end of the lake, They even left the pick up on the ramp while they cruised the shore.


























  5. I love it when people ask this age old question. " Where did you catch it , what where you using " Now that has to be the funniest question for a number of reasons. #1 he is no longer there, he is in my live well. # 2nd there are a lot of factors that come into play. What speed , how deep, Lure type and color, water temperature,surface and the depth the fish are at, down rigger,Tow Line planner boards,In-line planner Boards, dipsy diver ,Slide Diver, Jet Diver, long line, steel line , copper line, braid, flor, or mono , windy , sunny, cloudy , going up current , down current or cross current, Then there is how did you tie your tackle on, and that opens a whole new box. Not forgetting the set back , and rod angle to the water.

    Then come water surface, like glass, choppy a little ripple and so on.

    Dam now I know why golf was invented

    So be for you ask the question , think it out and get all the facts. :(

  6. For the last 50 years I have used bait or scent .To what I thought would help catch more fish . But after changing my fishing over to spoons and flies off of dipsy divers, in-line planner boards and a mast and planner boards . Now I am not sure. It's seem I catch more fish now then ever before , by not using any scent or bait. Sure would love to hear what you guys back east have to say about it.

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