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Posts posted by sszoldra

  1. I was looking for a depth chart for magnum dipsy's when I came across this. It calculates depth by speed and distance out, whether your running braid, and has depths for lead and the other divers beside dipsy's. Just click on the diver you're using. I looked into it when I had the dipsy's out in 100' and they were bottoming. Come to find out I've been running way deep thinking it's 3-1. Here's the site.






  2. I had a drift boat on the classifieds a few years back and the 1st guy that PM'd me was given the opportunity to buy it. Over the time period that I gave the guy to buy it, I  was offered at least 3 higher offers for it, and I'm  talking hundreds more.  When I replied that I was holding it for the 1st guy I actually took some flack for not screwing him. So much for trying to do the right thing.

  3. The station was open Thursday night when I came back in but that was because Larry was cleaning for the Charters so there was no problem with using it then. From what I understand you are free to use the station so long as it is open, but she will not give you the key to open it unless like sszoldra said Larry or his coworkers are in there. She did tell me i was more than welcome to wait around until the charters came back in and Larry came down to clean. I Hope like rolmops said it is just a misunderstanding, just hope ythey don't use the same logic with the bathrooms or that coudl lead to a mess  :) .

    Just to clarify, the posting in the Launch Shack say's that the key will be given to anyone that asks for it when Larry or his worker isn't there.  It appears like the launch attendant is misinformed. Whatever it is, it sounds like Larry's trying to get 1 foot in the door to have a monopoly on cleaning fish in the future.

  4. The cleaning station is open.  I used it Weds. and Thursday. When I purchased my season launch permit on Tuesday I did see there's a post on the wall that the station will be locked when Larry Muraski or 1 of his workers isn't there cleaning fish, and you have to get the key from the launch shack in order to use it. There was nothing in the posting that said it was for boat slip owners.

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