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bout time

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Posts posted by bout time

  1. Hope you never need it but...
    Finger Lakes Chapter 585.935.5220
    Western NY Chapter 716.648.4355
    One tip that is extremely helpful to us trackers is marking the trail. I tell hunters to use tissue paper every 20' or so up high not on the ground. Then you can use this to look back and see (somewhat) the direction the deer is headed. Best of all is it helps us even more, because more than once I have gone on a track and hunters cant show me the hit site, let alone the trail it took. 
    Good luck and I hope I don't hear from you. [emoji4]

    Will the finger lakes chapter go to Newfield NY ( 20 minutes south of Ithaca ) ? I don’t need one now but it’s good to have someone if need be .......

    ‘Bout Time
  2. Really windy Sunday am in 8M and no movement. 5pm and a pair of doe came through with a six point trailing closely behind, hot for the larger of the two. They passed eighty yards out but the smaller came my way and gave me a shot, tracking right to left in my blind. Looks like she stopped about five feet too far to the left...

    My first time ever bow hunting was out of a blind. Had 3 big does come in front of me at 15 yards. I pulled backed and just popped up enough for my sight pins to be on her. When I released the arrow I couldn’t figure out what the hell happened. Then I looked down. I did the same exact thing. The arrow sits lower then my sights - lesson learned

    'Bout Time
  3. Get to my stand about 25 minutes before legal light. Climb up, get strapped in and get all situated. As I sit down my elbow knocks into my bow and down it goes 20 +\- feet. The arrow snaps in half and the string comes off, quiver goes flying etc.


    I packed up and got down, picked up all the pieces and head home. I loosen the draw weight, put it In the clamps and get the string back on. Next I have to reinstall the peep as that also came out. Tighten the draw weight back up after giving the limbs a thorough inspection. Take it outside a small adjustment on the peep and it’s hitting dead on.


    Back in my stand for the afternoon. I sure as hell hope it goes better than my morning did.





    'Bout Time


  4. Nice campers! I’m considering taking ours to camp this year. What do you guys use for heat? RV furnace? How long does your battery last or do you bring a generator? Thanks for any info.

    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United

    For heat I use a Buddy Heater and an old Coleman Tent heater (dome type). I don’t have power at the trailer and just use the lantern for light. I do however have a small 1500 Honda generator that I bring as emergency backup should I need it

    ‘Bout Time
    • Like 1
  5. I run a 25’ trophy. My setup is 3 riggers across the back and then rod holders on each gunnel. I always run the two corner riggers and dispys off each side. The center rigger either goes in or the rod holder can be used for copper down the chute.

    My best setup all season was three riggers, 2 dipsys on the starboard side, one dipsy on the port side and a copper off the board on the port side.


    ‘Bout Time

  6. IMG_2420.thumb.JPG.fd83bbe9003619f600c593a0b5afc279.JPGIMG_2423.thumb.JPG.d59c9d5118df42f63859be326959e71f.JPGIMG_2404.thumb.JPG.4fc92efd33565219a317d9509ffd2a57.JPG


    Checking my camera with my son and five very nice bucks these are the three biggest. I had shoulder surgery in June for a torn labrum, rotator cuff and bone shave to open the pocket so no hunting for me only camera watching. Anyone thinking of having shoulder surgery like this it horrible worst pain ever even four months later.



    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app



    Had the same exact thing last year. Absolutely the worst thing I’ve done and I’ve done a lot (ex motocross racer). They clipped My nerve while prepping me for the actually surgery. They told me I’ll be at 60% the first year, 75% by the second and the best I’ll get back is 85% after 3 years. Hang in there. All I can say is do as much PT as possible. I did X Bow last year because i couldn’t pull my bow back. I lowered my draw weight to 52 +/- this year and now am just able to draw it back. Start low and gradually increase it. There is a light at the end of the tunnel believe it or not. Best of luck to you !!!!



    ‘Bout Time


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  7. Had a busted up 6 walk by me at 30 yards and hung out for 2 minutes. 4 on one side and other side was broken up. 45 minutes later doe and two fawns skirted through. I took video of them all. Action has slowed for me now



    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United



  8. After looking at some YouTube videos and doing some research I installed a homemade phone/video holder to try this year.

    “L” bracket bolted with my stabilizer and epoxy from HomeDepot glued to the back of the belt clip of my cell phone. Just had to notch out where the lens is. It snaps in and out for easy removal. Hopefully will get some cool Videos to share IMG_1270.JPG

    ‘Bout Time

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  9. I hunt in a corner between a bedding area and a bean field. Only real way to access stand is walk along edge of bean field and take a 90 and walk along next edge to stand. This morning on my way in a jumped one deer out in the beans (happened before) so I thought “not that bad” then I made the 90 and it looked like the zoo let out. Must have been 12-15 deer all heading different directions needless to say that was it for the morning.

    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United

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