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Posts posted by letsfish2day

  1. Very nice fish Les...we've caught a bunch of browns around 5 lbs this year...but nothing like that...if you don't mind me asking what did ya catch it on? And was just wondering how you like your new trolling motor? I thought about getting one like yours but went with Yamaha instead

    Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  2. Get some of gamblers rigs and some cowbells...bounce your ball off bottom and you'll catch Lakers till your sick of them...we were getting bigger ones in 170 ft a couple weeks ago

    Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  3. Its a fishing derby...not a trolling derby...funny thing is on our boat we talked about how slow it was trolling and one of the guys said somebody would probably win it with live bait...guess we should have tried it...just not my thing...congrats to everyone on the leader board...we caught a lot of fish Saturday just no size

    Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  4. I've used these spoons for a couple seasons including field testing the prototypes and I can assure folks that these spoons are the "real deal" ...they work great! The action on them is second to none. :yes:

    What did you catch with them? Was thinking about trying them for some rainbows on Canandagua in the morning

    Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  5. 4.8 or so won it...only 14 entered... I was one of the fair weather fisherman who passed... Was only 10 degrees at my house at 5 am...hated to miss it but didn't wanna winterize boat again after...sounds like next week will be a good derby...I know of 10 more boats coming...congrats to the winners and brave souls that fished in that cold weather

    Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

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