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Posts posted by fisherdude

  1. Its amazing that just out of pure hatred for the man, the democrats are more than willing to sell this country out...Free health care for Illegals? Reparations?? Who in their right mind would be for this??

    Illegal immigrants are welcome according to the Democrats they look at each one as a vote . Illegal immigrants have more rights and privileges than a US citizen. Soon they will get a free home with 5 acres....


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  2. That’s news to me. Almost every launch I go to, I just have to leave the pass on the dash.  Seems a little dumb to walk up to a car in a lot, look at the guys empire pass for seniors, and then tell him to use the kiosk.  But then again, this is New York.
    The only  launch that I go to, and believe me, I’ve been to a lot, that looks at the passes is at the small boat harbor in buffalo. At that launch, a man at the gate takes your pass and records the number and gives it back.  When he is not there, I simply leave the pass on the dash..
    Deans cove Cayuga is a unman launch . I would guess by getting a ticket and the pay machine is a way they record your number. Thanks for saying now it works at other places. Sounds it's different at other places other than deans cove . At deans you can't use money to get a ticket . My buddy isn't up to date with the times . Doesn't do computers or carry a debit/ credit card. He pays one of the crew the 7 $ with a card .

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  3. I dint understand.  Even though I have the parking permit, I have to get a ticket at the booth?   Isn’t it free during the week?  How dies that work.?  

    It explains what you have to do at the ticket machine . If you use the launch during the week and you're over 62 or whatever the ages has to be .you use your New York state driver's license. It can read the barcodes.


    Big Brother is watching every move we the people do .

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  4. So even though you had the permit taped to the windshield they still gave a warning?  Mine is taped on as well but no warnings.....yet
    Yep I sure did get a warning. parking permit was my on my dash I seen a couple other warnings on windshields of other vehicles. I like using the parking permit card. Just another step to you use the park. Not digging location of the ticket machine. It bottlenecks the launch. I seen guys meet their charter there. They parked on top walk down the hill . find out they have to buy a ticket and have to walk back up the hill put the ticket in the vehicle. .

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    • Sad 1

    Showed up at deans and meet the bass guys at 4 : 45 am launching boats . Got my turn little after 5 am . Leaving the cove dodging bass boats inside the cove I'm making my way out through the cones. There's bass boats on each side of the little cone out area with their power poles down. There was two guys inside the cones blocking off the channel going out. I had to rock back and forth from forward to reverse and wait for these guys to get out of the way just to get out. Wish they stage outside the cove and out of the way of others .

    Fished a little on the west side before turning east .made it out in the middle when we took our second hit on 300 copper down the chute. Landed a nice Laker 10 . 10 on the scale . Sorry no pics left the cell phone in the truck , buddy did get it on the go pro tho . Putting the copper back out I spider web the reel . What a mess took 2 of us 1 1/2 hours to get back in action . Think it even gave me a bad karma day [emoji848] we only did 6 fish total. Two were short locks and four Lakers.When we got back to the launch I meet a couple LOU guys and did well today . Went up to get the truck and found a warning from the park on the wind shield . Man did I sucked today ..[emoji107]. That's the way it goes sometimes I will do better next time . The warning was I have to use the empire pass at the pay machine . .IMG_20190707_122216024.thumb.jpeg.fcfaccbcda102e6960ded09b008934ea.jpeg


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  6. Showed up at deans a little after 5 am went to the parking lot to make the boat ready while waiting for my friends to show at 5: 30 . When they got there ( on time as usual) we launch the boat. I went and park the truck and was meet on the way down the steps by the senior member of the group he's a mechanic by trade saying to me you got any jumper cables, umm no I don't ,why ? The power switch is on both batteries and there is not one bit of power . I'm like well let's go fishing . Got in the boat had no power couldn't lower the lower unit had nothing as he said. so I unhook the e z steer rod and pulled started the kicker and way we went . Short time later the kicker charge the batteries so I could lower the lower unit down and hook the EZ steer rod back up . Half way through the morning had enough power to start the i/o . Got to love having a kicker I will say . So today we had a gentleman's Derby 5 bucks a man biggest fish takes all . We did 17 Lakers . The biggest was 9 . 6 or so down to 3 . 3 lbs .


    I like to say how good my buddies are . Today (really ever time out) they are putting 20 s on the dash for gas . Hey I don't need gas money we are fishing with the kicker what gas I'm I burning . In fact today is my 4 trip out on a 6 gallon can and still didn't empty it . I can't put into words what these guys have done . From putting me up while waiting for my new home to close after my divorce, stored all my stuff, helping fix the boat when needed . I hope it's true what they say about karma because they sure have a lot of good coming their way. As always thanks guys [emoji3]IMG_20190623_070341612.jpeg


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    • Like 5
  7. If you took a big smelly dump in your hat it be the same BS you are selling

    who do you think the Republican Party is, people like me who support trump. theres more trump supporters, more supporters than you think. I run into ages 18 to 25 and most of them are between 55 and 80 years of age who support trump. how I meet them ware my trump hat. they know what kind of man they are dealing with when they come up and talk with me.  we all have the same political views. we are a very potent group. the younger ones are a little different. they come up say they like my hat. they like what trump is doing for them. they all want jobs. they just keep quiet. some of you think I'm radical;. I got news for you. I'm mild compared to what I have run into. if we let the republican establishment pick the candidate they want. you would see a revolution. we put trump in because we are sick and tired of seeing what the two party system is doling to this country. the people are starting to come our way. its getting better out there. people are scared to talk about it. they want some one to lead them. its human nature. the weak will always follow the strong ones. 


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  8. Today smart phones are use constantly. Can't think of anyone putting a phone in a dry box in the boat . ( Not saying it's not a good ideal ) I would say talking on cell phone is the last thing it's used for . Between weather apps GPS apps texting getting on the Internet putting post on LOU . Everyone carries a phone , so if you are fishing with others there's back up phones . No need to put in box.

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  9. Amen

    After following this thread for a few days I went back and read the original post....started by an officer, giving everyone a heads up to be sure they have all the proper/required safety equipment...pretty much to avoid being ticketed....and it's turned into a **** session. 
    I say thanks to all the guys that try to keep "ALL" boaters safe by educating the idiots that buy a boat, and don't take the time to know the laws and regulations...As boat owners...we take other peoples lives into our hands every time we take passengers out for a day of fun.  Not sure about the rest of you...but that weighs kind of heavy on me.  Unlike a car...if there's a fire...you cant get out and run...your in the water..now what?  It's 50 degrees...and everyone only has so long to survive...life jackets...who knew?
    Damn officers...wrote me a $$$ ticket.  I didn't know I needed a fire extinguisher.  Man I got one now.  Makes 100% sense to me...but, I'm pretty dense.
    Be safe out there and take 5 minutes to check your safety equipment.  Pretty sure that was the OP's message...and it could possible save a life.

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