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Everything posted by fisherdude

  1. Different reels , Fishing the Finger Lakes my seth green rods are the most important part of our set up . They have penn 309 reels on them . The drags were not the greatest from the start . I would like to put carbon fiber drags in them if possible over the winter with the season ending in a month . Is there any reel repair shops in Rochester someone would recommend to get this job done ?
  2. That was a good read. The channel description sounded like the North End of Canandaigua Lake around noon...
  3. https://www.thedailynewsonline.com/news/two-fishermen-swim-to-shore-after-boat-capsizes-on-lake-ontario/article_6f14d630-4535-11ef-a338-a7d9a8c137c3.html
  4. I got tohatsu when I had carb problems it filled the crank case with gas. Like you said pulled dip stick milky oil poor out carb rebuild oil change x 2 was all set. I don't under stand how a stuck open thermostat would flood the crankcase if it's water in the crankcase like others have said you might have issues with the block or head good luck.
  5. I was reading here on l o u about the New York State boater safety course some saying it's a good thing somewhere complaining about it. All the knowledge in the world ain't going to help you if you don't use good judgment and Common Sense. I hope everything works out well for the guy with the swamp boat.
  6. I have had both trailers in my time. Currently my trailer is a roller trailer. roller trailer, especially mine you do not unhook the safety chain untill the stren of the boat is in the water....I think the roller trailer is easier to launch solo than a bunk trailer. I have a guy that fishes with the crew he has a bad habit to unhook the winch and safety chain while the boat is on the ramp . I have to yell out the drivers window not to . Only been fishing with for 20 years lol dose it every time. Bunk trailer, you need to keep track of the bunk coming lose, from the nuts to the bolts to the bracket on the trailer. worn out carpet. rotten wood . Need to put tailer in deeper into water than a roller trailer. I have had all of those problems.the Boat dose stay on trailer better ... witch i do like the way the boat stays on the trailer on the ramp with a bunk trailer. Each their own I guess make it work.
  7. No I wouldn't vote for Governor Gavin Newsom . Never voted for a Democrat president. I plan on checking the other box and vote for the best Upstate pizza maker, papa Zeno . I think the Democrats would rally around Governor Gavin Newsom to be against Trump. The guy can lay down the BS but he is a very smooth talker...
  8. Trump's not running for you or I he's running to save his hide. I seen a news clip yesterday Leticia James is asking the judge to seize assets if Trump can't come up with the cash for the bond. Rumor Has It ,heard it several times Gavin Newsom sliding in at the last moment. that'll be a totally different race for Trump. It will bring back all the Democrats that have questions of voting for Biden . Which time there's not enough maga's to overcome the Democrat vote.
  9. For me it was better living 3. 2 ago ...I feel our president now isn't fit to serve period. Again to me biden is a zero . Trump , I watch January 6 live start to finish . I seen on live coverage. A young woman at the Cambridge doors of the Capitol building get shot through the gap of the door fall on the floor eyes rolled White and died all because Trump cannot accept and will never accept the loss of the election of 2020 in my opinion he does not deserve to be president I don't care what the court says.. And again to me he's a big zero So if the ticket come November is trump and Biden you have the math equation of 0x0 =0 . Will not vote for either of them . Third-party I don't know . Was hopping for the Republican primary to be more closer than it was I like Nikki Haley I would vote for her if it came to New York but no chance at that .
  10. Found way to pay millions, Wonder where they're made China ?
  11. The state is awarded $355 million dollars. If Mar-A-Lago is worth 18 million is Mira Lago going to be an out-of-state park for New York State? What is state park rate for overnight camping 10 bucks a night?
  12. Seen in Rochester news that sewage was treated and was released into the river cuz the water treatment plant couldn't handle the Overflow From The Storm not sure if I believe it
  13. Went up west side of cayuga lake some of the roads on the lake was flooded over in spots .seen a couple trees up rooted ,ice on north end was gone . All creeks running hard. mud line look interesting for fishing. Hope the ice fishing people got enough brains to stay off thin ice if any left .
  14. I used 87 octane with ethanol and the red stable for years .I ended up with this.
  15. I was camping at stoney creek private Campground. They lake roaring and a group of us wanted to fish . The senior guy at the place said we can go to dexter and fish the black river so 6 of load up with a bucket of worms . While drifting fishing one of the girls caught an eel . When it came to the boat the old timer held the line up with eel twisting and twirling around off the side of the boat he took his cigar that he was smoking and started stuffing ashes in the eels mouth. I said what's that going to do said it would spit the hook sure enough it did .we must have caught a dozen of those eels that day everyone was released by cigar ashes
  16. I hope it stays warm I know it's ice fishing season when it gets cold we're going to get dumped on by Lake Effect in the short term
  17. What do you think the 8 million plus got aways boarder crossing are for . More Socialism Dems. !!!!
  18. Not only does hunting and fishing control the species hunted and fished it puts a ton of money back into the economy from buying licenses all the gear it takes ,gas ,food Etc. I wonder if that means there's no more Elite bass fishing in New York state no more Lake Erie Ontario fishing derbies look how many contributions has gone to cancer and the Wounded Warriors just another way government is taking the rights and privileges away from the citizens of this country
  19. It's the way Society is now it's easier to have a frown than a smile remember when you could walk down the street get in a quick conversation with a stranger end up telling him/ her to have a good day when you're parted. These days you can't call a decorated pine tree a Christmas tree they even cancel Christmas in some cities now.
  20. Looking at the sonar pic I would say it's bouncing off the bait pod
  21. This happens when the new oil filter is put on without the gasket being oil up before install . Maybe you can drain the oil out of the filter by drilling a small hole in the bottom side of the stuck filter . Take a hot air gun and heat up the block and old filter around the gasket . use a wrap around oil filter wrench. Then try to remove it again. Or Pm L&M here on lou. .
  22. I used to pull the back of the boat apart to get the batteries out two of them now that I'm an old man I leave them in I don't disconnect nothing they're on a battery switch and I plugged it on board battery charger in all winter charger comes down when it needs to the batteries were factory made in 2013 just completed another season
  23. This is true for any derby. The finger lakes get hit hard all spring , summer long . Most Anglers look to give away the fish they kept for their box . Someone usually takes donations of fish from Anglers least they are not going to waste I hope.
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