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Everything posted by esox

  1. Question is.... Will we believe what the DEC tells us if it doesn't agree with your personal feelings.. We have already inserted the boogie man so we can argue this forever and we haven't been told anything concrete...LOL
  2. I believe it's the same basic boat safety course given for personal water craft... Captains are not exempt from the personal water craft certificate.
  3. This is about controlling every aspect of your life....to think it's anything other is foolish... It prays on the Disdain people have for others... The Only thing I agree with you on is ... it should be mandatory for All boaters... No one should be grandfathered.... A person born in 1995 and a person born in 1945 should be treated equally...
  4. I do...... My obligations as a father override my wanting to leave.
  5. The people of NYS really are dumb !! A sweep of the governors pen and every adult boat operator will be treated like the 14 year old from the day before... and people stand up and applaud it !! Some of us wonder why this state is so screwed up...... You don't have to look very far.
  6. It's the same course you take for operating a personal watercraft....and that law DOES NOT exempt Charter captains... To the people for this "New" Law. You have lived your entire life relatively FREE and don't feel everyone else is capable of doing the same.....It's your Disdain for others that will eventually put you in chains....It's clear you all don't understand that... This law will have the same effect on the number of boating fatalities that the Life jacket law did..... and that's ZERO !! Pat yourselves on the back if it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside !! Fyi... There were 75,000 lawn mower accidents last year....and 4,500 boating accidents nation wide.... Disdain (N) 1. intense scorn: extreme contempt or disgust for something or somebody. 2.look down on somebody or something: to regard something or somebody as not worthy of respect.
  7. Kids already do and the law is going to be for every single person.
  8. Including thousands of Captains and experienced boaters ? You have to be kidding !!! Treat everybody equally....Like a 14 year old kid or a few stupid people at the boat launch... that you already said you can't fix...That seems reasonable to you ? Have you lived in NYS.. The least free state in the United States your whole life?
  9. I've used this product a bunch in home applications... It needs a solid continuous backing...Even if it's used as soffit it needs to have a plywood backing. Here is a lund I was taking the floor out of....Someone used Azek for the front deck.... its was bellied and warped so bad after 2 years.... It got changed out with the lower deck .
  10. Azek vinyl board is non structural and is not for a flooring application
  11. Coosa is more than marine ply.... The fact it's 100% rot free. The cost of the resin for wood and skipping that entire process makes it look better.. The new copper compounds in treated wood are very corrosive to aluminum and should not be in direct contact. It's usually soaking wet and heavy or all warped out if it's dry... I wouldn't recommend it... No matter how cheap it is...
  12. You can't just leave the old hose and find a different route to run the new one ?
  13. Do the cooler seats with wheels go with the boat ?
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