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Posts posted by NickR

  1. Pulled the ol boat today but before we did I figured we would go fish for a few hours- we went 3-4 with a big boy (thinking high 20s) and a few 20#.


    Think the first year with my "big boy" boat was a killer success. Took 4th in the sandy creek shootout, got my first Tyee, and took 8th place in the steelhead division in the fall Loc!!

    A few upgrades are in store for the winter/ spring and we'll see you guys in the spring!

  2. Looking at the back of the boat it's on the right side under the exhaust manifold... key word under. Prb 3/4 the way back. It's a pretty big oil filter you should be able to see it easily- unless it has an external filter in which you will see a few hoses coming out of the engine in the same place.

    You'll have to lay down and get in some weird positions to make it work!

    Try a google search for pics

  3. Yup! Or the guys from PA take them LOL. Natural process they sink to the bottom and decompose or get eaten by scavengers

    Students going to school for biology or fish studies collect all of the dead salmon and count or stack them up/dispose of them, or let the coons eat them up.

    Steelhead fishing in nov I end up stepping through one or two and get a good smell from it. (from the ones that sink to the creek beds)

  4. Ran out this morning went back to my waypoints from last night did 60-100 with a good rip on the 300 lost it with about 280' left to go- other than that beat up on the lakers.

    Went back out at 430 with my cousin Mike and we laid the hurt on these fish-

    Same waters same waypoints went 7-14ish(lots of short strikes) with 4 lakers a nice 7lb rainbow. We ended the day with back to back kings- 28.5 and 30.5! My first fish over 30 and a new boat record! Hot combo was a chrome backed blue dolphin spinny with a tourney glow fly as it took both kings and half of the lakers. That combo has been on fire all Aug.



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