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Posts posted by BreakingBass

  1. Took a mid-afternoon troll NE of the bay from 3:30 to 7:00 covering the 200 to 430 fow range and then back to 80 fow. Marked one fish in 3 hours and the 70 temps were still there down to a depth of about 95'. Dropped the lines deep for lakers when I got into the 120 fow area and had 2 releases on a mag spoon near 90-100 even though I didn't mark many on the bottom either. Very strange day. Saw several boats zooming out of the bay around 5:00 or 5:30 as you would expect for an evening troll. I'm curious if anyone saw anything better later in the PM. Does this temp profile indicate the lake is due to flip?


    Sent from my SM-T580 using Lake Ontario United mobile app



  2. At first I thought my FishHawk was on the fritz, how could the temp not change from the surface down to 80'? Measured it again down to 110' and finally saw the break. Didn't mark many fish and only got one small 18" king at the 90' depth. Fished from 200 to 320 fow. Talked to someone who fished for bass outside Hedges who said they were almost jumping in the boat. Must have been the wind. It was a fuel leak at the Irondequoit public launch causing all the problems. Glad to see no fire like what happened at Mayer's last year.

    Sent from my SM-T580 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  3. Went to check on the boat after all the rain yesterday and all was well.  The auto bilge and battery held out so I thought I'd charge it up a bit. The waves north of the bay were not as bad as the forecast so took a quick troll from 80-120 fow and back to 80 over an hour or so.  Caught 3 small kings 14-16" in the 120 and 90' depths.  At 50' and 70' down and on DW green glo spoons.  I think more small kings have been caught this season than I can remember.  Maybe a good predictor for the next couple of years. 

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  4. I like Gambler's math. I've just started using both sliding and fixed cheaters and have a couple of questions. Is there an optimal depth to attach a sliding cheater, should it always be 1/2 of your target depth? On a fixed cheater I usually attach 10-15' above the main spoon and have found the cheater to be unattached sometimes when bringing the line up with no apparent hit. Is it normal for the drag on the cheater spoon to cause the release? I use off shore releases. Thanks for any tips.

    Sent from my SM-T580 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  5. Fished out of I-Bay this AM in the 90 to 200 fow area with a few other boats.  Temp was shallow at 45' to start and was near 60' at the end of the morning.  Fish came from depths of 50-60 over 120-140.  DW holographic orange fire and monkey puke caught 2 steelhead and 2 kings, a shaker and teen king, and a nice 8.5 lb steelie and a shaker.  The teen king came in from 250' out over the course of 10 minutes and spit the lure out on the Bimini when the net touched it.    No flies and practically no fleas this morning. The conditions were better than NOAA predicted yesterday giving a very nice morning. 


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  6. Fished the 200-380 fow range NE of I-Bay this AM. Caught 3 kings, a shaker, a 14 lber, and my personal best of 25.6 lbs. All hit in the 220 to 260 range at 60 or 70' down.  The big guy hit on a mag NBK 70' over 230, and he trashed my net. It was a solo trip so getting him in the boat after a 20 min fight was fun. 



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