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Bassin Bob

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Posts posted by Bassin Bob

  1. Years ago I had a buck come to a scrape 20 yds from my stand. It dropped it's head to smell the scrape. I was at full draw, centered the pin on its right front shoulder ( a little back) and released. The buck turned right and lifted it's head at the same time. Bingo right between the eyes! Dropped stone dead. The arrow went in half way. So I get the land owner and he asked if I did it on purpose? Yes he was very upset till I told him the story. Another story of hunting.

    Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  2. Started at long point. Fished about 1 hour. ( 3 to 4) had motor issues, bad gas. Once I sorted that out caught 5 nice landlocks. One laker about 3 lbs. 5ff63a9a3c3e91eef0ca33fc592c0744.jpg

    All in all a nice evening troll. 50 down 70 back on riggers with sliders.

  3. Launched at long point, started trolling once I hit deep water going south. In under 5 min. Had a 16 in LL. Then one after another. Just about any 2.5 in spoon at 1.6 to 1.8. All on riggers set 60 and 50 and 40 with sliders. Wish the grand kids were with me, I stopped counting ! The fish were above bait balls. Not one lakers although they were bellow the bait. Wonderful time on a great September day. Lost a real nice fish, 4 or 5 lbs. Released every fish. What a great future fishery.

    Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

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