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Yankee Troller

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Everything posted by Yankee Troller

  1. Rig is running good! I had her over 70 the other day. Handles a small chop unbelievable. There are things I want to do and some things I need to clean up, but other than that its turn key go! Thanks for the suggestions on the site. I am constantly trying to improve it. I have taken some of them and changed it around. It felt so good to catch SM again!
  2. Well, i caught my first December bass today. We hit the water about 8am after a late departure time form Rochester and trying to figure out how to ge the boat to float. From all the powerloading and low water there wasnt much water towards the rear of my boat. Oh well, we fished for 30 minutes and we had two beauties in the boat: Here are the others we landed: We ended up losing 2 others. All fish came off Drop-Shot Roboworms in Aarons magic. I hope this weather stays this way so I can get me some bass in January!
  3. Its about time! We can only hope that soon we will be able to do the same here!
  4. Danjr - I remember ya! We party with the Candy boys quite often up there. If your up there this spring then you will see me up there. Thanks guys for the feedback. The shrink tubing isnt to hook into an inline board. I only use big boards and dont like the in lines too much. The shrink tubing is used to tell how much is out. red would be 100', blue 200', and so on. Im realleary about Okumas. I have 4 and dont like them so I think Im going with the Penn.
  5. -4 to 1 3.25 to 1 - it sux and its heavy, but it catches fish!
  6. OK guys, who's running it and whats your set-up? Im buying a Penn 345GTI and Im not sure what rod its going on yet. I want to get at least 500' on it though. Some PA friends put colored shrink tubing on the copper every 100' so they know how far out it is.
  7. http://www.xtackle.com/index_files/wtphome.htm
  8. Well, again we slayed them. Lots of biggins, and a ton of average size too. We had about a 30 minute window of as soon as your bait hit the bottom you could start reeling it up with a fish on. If you have a small boat you need to get down there for some fun! Best depth for us was 24-26 FOW. Fatheads and plastic in chartruse were neck and neck for best baits. Weather is going to stay this way through the weekend, so I might be back down there or over to Conesus for some bruiser SM.
  9. Mick, Talk to Billy, he learned a little secret from a guy who used to produce spoons. Im not sure what he used for that top coat, but man does it work.
  10. Thats cool! I'll be out on the bay with my old man fishing today for monster perch. I'll think about you in those meetings and I might even send a picture to your camera phone.
  11. Yeah, Im already looking into another prop. I want it going as close to 75 as I can get it! There is a guy who blueprints props for this model boat that has a great rep.
  12. Dont worry about it Hank. Yeah, I got her up to 69.7 yesterday on the bay. Not much of that boat was in the water, trust me! Im going back tomarrow afternoon to get some more pigs! Its so fun to fish for them when they are that big. You swear you have a small bass on or something.
  13. Got out around 11 fished till 2. Caught a lot in the 10-12" range. Bigget was just about 14". Fished between 18-30' of water.
  14. If only Braddocks outlet was more relaible. That would be a nice place for a Charter Marina.
  15. I like the 10'6" rods. I feel they get the spread a little wider. Plus on turns that extra foot helps keep the wire away from your outside riggers. Its all a personal preference. I know guys who use 8' rods too. I plan on getting two more wires on shorter rods so I can run 4 wires in the spring and fall.
  16. Yeah, but stinger uses an orange dot. Bill made me red becasue he didnt have orange. But I want to try green too.
  17. No they are a spoon I had him paint up for me. No secrets here. It is an imitation of Stingers Penguin. He started calling them Wobblers.
  18. I thought we put split rings on them? By the way Am I gonna get green and orange wobblers before spring?
  19. I beg to differ. If that spoon was SSSSSOOOOOOO great how come I dont see a swivel attached to it? The hook looks like it was placed there too! Never caughty a fish with the hook chillin in that spot. No split ring either? Wow, you know what? I think you placed that there buddy!
  20. Ask Gary Beggy about lowering the outriggers there He currently owns own shorter than the other.
  21. Well, I know your going to have to take your rods down everytime you come in to and leave the dock. I dont think I could get mine under the bridge, but Mr Rebel would be better to ask than me.
  22. Kicked arse on my rig too!
  23. I like
  24. Right now it sits on my boat. Motor is in good shape. $400+ shipping Only cosmetic thing wrong with it is where the wires connect to the head unit. The rubber sheath over the wires is torn and being held on there by tape. It happened on my other TM so I have to assume it is a common thing.
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