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Yankee Troller

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Everything posted by Yankee Troller

  1. Here's a great resource: https://lakeontariocharterboatassociation.com/
  2. American Fishing Wire 150lb downrigger braid here.
  3. Yes it will hold 1000' of 30lb wire and some backing.
  4. Good dude! Always enjoyed our conversations.
  5. You can definitely hear it, but I'm sure you'd get used to it. Make sure you have 10" of depth clearance behind your steering wheel before purchasing.
  6. What are you guys connecting the noise filter to under the motor hood?
  7. I've run 150lb Power Pro and American Fishing Wire downrigger braid. Both worked fine.
  8. I did get rid of the Lund. I purchased a Smokercraft North American Phantom 20x2.
  9. Most electronic companies offer an AP that will work with a cable steer/power assist utilizing an Octopus mechanical drive. It really only works when the main engine is running (so the power assist pump is running). If you want to troll on a kicker utilizing a tie bar to the lower unit on your main it won't work. You can always call me at Krenzer Marine to discuss, and/or purchase.
  10. They were iced in, but boats broke it up.
  11. Saturday is booked. Looking to book Friday, Sunday, and Monday if the wind allows.
  12. Duane, if you're on Facebook shoot me a message on the Crazy Yankee Sportfishing page.
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