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times two

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Everything posted by times two

  1. My apologies. That's the number that was in my head.....must be that's what the wife thinks I paid! They are nice, though. John
  2. Have you looked into the new lithium probes? About $250 or so from Fishusa. Compatible. Less blow back.
  3. Have 4 rod/reels for sale. All purchased after season in fall of 2021, so used 3 seasons. Okuma coldwater high speed 303DS and 8'6'' White diamond rigger rods WD-dr862M. Some scratches and fading but overall I'd say very good shape. $100 per combo. Willing to discuss if all 4 bought. Roughly $180 new. Selling because I upgrade 6-8 combos each year. Buyer pays shipping or we can discuss possible pick up at falls show. No charter booth this time but will be on site most of saturday of show. john
  4. That's the 4" version. Its a more square body then the 3 " or 5". I have a bunch that I got when Z man was selling them. EK is correct that there was some type of legal action between Renosky and Zman. At the time, the rep I dealt with at Z man said they were getting out of this type of bait, as they didn't sell. They kept the chatter blade on some of their other stuff (jigs, etc.). Renosky is still in business, under Reno or RBC baits currently. I can't say for sure that they don't make the 4", but he does make the other sizes.
  5. I didn't get marine grade, but did get the best the local yard had.
  6. Thanks!
  7. Looking for a company. At one time contender, then krantz. Anyone know what they are now or if still made?
  8. I did my 16 smokercraft two years ago. Carefully remove old as suggested. I painted both sides, and got new vinyl. I googled stainless rivets.....and got nice long ones. I can probably find the name if needed. Shoot me a pm.
  9. Colin at Wrap Gods in Hilton. Very happy with work he did for me.
  10. Thanks guys! Exactly as you describe Rob...soon as autopilot off, interference stops. Only oddity is it didn't do it when we first started using the boat in April, so if this is what it is, I'm guessing the lines might have gotten jostled and moved in rough water or moved when we had to change out the charger and/or house batteries.
  11. New to me boat in spring 2023. Used the raymarine autopilot at Wilson in May, no issues. When we got home and on Lake Erie, started getting lines on the Garmin 7608 next to it. Left to right on dash...autopilot, then two of the 7608's. No interference on the farthest right, just the closest. Garmin hasn't really offered much as far as a solution. Friend has similar units (not sure exact model) and says he has same issue. I didn't wire anything in, so not sure how its runs. Someone suggested bad ground? Thoughts?
  12. Been a great boat! Enjoy!
  13. Listing my 1989 Tiara Pursuit 2700 Open Twin 270 crusaders, about 1670 hrs on each side
  14. YT... Not worried about the insulated .....looking for 3 season......so that seems like a good one?
  15. At the end of last season, it became apparent my Gander Mountain Guidewear wasn't stopping any rain. Looking to get a new set for this season, and wonder what folks are using? John
  16. And to be clear...only til 4/29. I expect longer....maybe all of May....but maybe not whole season..... Similarly....PA cancelled school today. They are done mid June normally. Despite the fact that upstate is holding its own...is there any way Andy can't cancel school now Get it done. We distance til June 1 and go from there... my thoughts....
  17. First...I don't support this...but working in an "industry" that is dealing with this..... The thought process has to be …..too many folks at the same time, same place....AND you touch the docks....no one is cleaning them... where do you go if you have to pee? It all sucks...but lots of you posted pics on line last week of over flowing parking lots and 200 boats at the catt…..what did you think was going to happen? As a charter...and many of my friends...we are loosing $$ starting now.....just saying....
  18. No affiliation with this information but try Paul at 716-569-2154. He has some of these rods for sale.
  19. Unit was sold.
  20. I know a guy that has what you are looking for. No affiliation, and price would be between you guys. Paul 716-569-2154
  21. Thank you for the interest. Combos are sold.
  22. I have 2 Okuma coldwater combos..... Reels are 303D, rods are CW-C-862M. Both new in 2017. Some sun fading on rods and reels. $75 per combo. Save on shipping if you want to pick them up at my booth at Niagara Falls Show. Pics available. John
  23. Gill-T: That was the discussion we had on the boat....that we need to find whatever that "new" speed is that works.....and then target that. John
  24. So, ran two different depth raiders for last 10-11 years or so....decided to make the move to the Fishhawk XD4 after fishing deeper than I ever have any time, this year in WIlson. Get back home to Lake Erie...and finding the down speed is way different that I knew with the DR. Anyone have experience making this switch and what did you find? I'm easily 1.0 mph faster on probe..... John
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