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  1. I have a 2012 196 FM. My second one, and I love it. Unfortunately the hours on mine are quite the opposite. It’s been in the water 3x in the past 4 years. As much as I hate to, I’ll be putting a For Sale sign on it in the spring. 🙁
  2. even the lakers from this lake taste good.
  3. “ better than working “ one of my favorite phrases. Thanks for sharing.
  4. ……you’ll be a new man on the Pickleball courts !
  5. This outfit is awesome. Like any good tree nursery, trees are shipped once a year. His trees go on sale in the fall and usually sell out in less than a day. Many cold hearty varieties. https://bluehillwildlifenursery.com/ Good luck ! Rusty
  6. Release them unharmed, then buy haddock fillets. After many years of eating fish I’ve decided that I don’t eat fish from fresh water, no matter how they have been treated, cleaned, breaded or fried. I still love sushi and sashimi though. Big difference.
  7. Couldn’t help but think of this thread last weekend while watching an episode of “North Woods Law”. One of the story lines on the show involved the rescue of a bunch of red fox kits that were taken to a rehabilitation facility where they would be raised and eventually released into the wild. Text book irony.
  8. I haven’t hunted with them. I’ve fished with Christian. Great guy.
  9. https://www.nyguideservice.com/waterfowl-rates.html
  10. On FB - NY Guide Service Christian Grabowski
  11. I picked up a brown in the harbor last week. Never knew they were in there. Congrats.
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